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subject: Infusing Respect For Grandparents In Children [print this page]

Infusing Respect For Grandparents In Children

Often children hear this line that they must respect their grandparents but it is easier said than done. Today, at many homes grandparents remain ignored and sidelined by their grandchildren. The days are gone when grandparents used to be the source of knowledge. In the present scenario, children have access to lot of information and have lot of influence from varied sources. It therefore results in contradictory feelings that they develop for their grandparents. Parents who have adult children remain in quandary of how to relate them and make them understand about the role of grandparents in their life.

For grandparents, their life usually revolves around their grandchildren and in return what they expect is love and care, which they are rarely given. Parents from the budding stage must teach them to respect and value their grandparents.

Being polite towards them- Parents must teach their children to be polite with grandparents. At the same time, let the children and their grandparents speak their mind; make sure that your children are not rude to them.

Teach by example- Be their role model. Do not correct your parents in front of your children, as your child may tend do the same in future. Try not to lose your temperament with your parents, or raise your voice at them in front of your kids as your child will follow your example only.

Show kindness - Teach your child to show kindness towards their grandparents. If you see your grandparents in need, offer to help them. It can be anything, something as simple as finding their glasses or cooking dinner for them. Offer to drive them somewhere or pick up something for them, especially if they are in need.

Give them love and respect: Teach your kids to greet their grandparents with affectionate hello or a hug or kiss every morning and every night. Shower them with love and respect as they deserve your nurturing and care.

Grandparent child bond: Make your child spend time with their grandparents. If grandparents stay away then send your children to the grandparents home to spend the day. Let the children know that their grandparents love them and are happy to have them at any time.

Speak appropriately- Teach children to use respectful words and avoid foul language. Also, tell them to be mindful of their body language.

Following these steps ensures proper behavior of grandchildren towards grandparents.

by: pooja sharma

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