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subject: You Think You Got The Job [print this page]

Sometimes events that happen in our professional lives affect our personal lives as well. Many of us have a hard time separating what we do for a living with who we are personally and privately. This seems to come to a head the most when information from our work side connects with our personal sides. The important thing to remember is that you don't have to have both collide to be able to coexist.

You As A Prospective Employee 84% of recruiters and human resource professionals interviewed told us that they did Internet searches of potential employees and knocked out individuals with questionable history or results.

You As A Person - Negative information about you can affect your family, your relationships, your job, and your standing in the community. Stress from negative information can also affect your health. Internet Reputation companies like Reputation Planet will help you get rid of the bad information about you that is found on the Internet search engines that may hurt you personally now or in the future.

Bad Things Sometimes Do Happen To Good People

Bad things do happen to good people but it's usually the result of some bad action you took in the past. Sometimes that incident that you didn't think was important ends up coming back to bite you. Whether it's that bachelor party you'd like to forget or that DWI from 10 years ago, you need to talk to a reputation company like Reputation Planet about protecting your privacy. Don't let your past affect your present or your future.

You Finally Got That Date With That Special Person

You've worked at it for months, that cute girl down the hall that you keep running into on the elevator, or that handsome guy who sits near you at lunch a few times a week, you've finally gotten to talk with them and get their email address or phone number. It's all going great and a date looks like it's in the cards for both of you. Then you start having trouble reaching them by telephone and your emails to them go unanswered. Or you have met somebody via an Internet Dating site, or..., the list is endless.

Chances are, they done some checking up on you from Internet searches, social networks, and photo sites and have found something questionable about you that has given them second thoughts about dating you. As unfair as it seems, it happens thousands of times a day when people do an Internet search of that person's name and are suddenly made intimately aware of that person's background and social habits.

Some Statistics:

You As A Spouse: 78% of the people we interviewed said they would be suspicious if pictures and postings about their spouse were to suddenly appear on the Internet, even if the pictures were "old".

You As A Community Person: Negative information about you found on the Internet could change your standing in the community very quickly.

You As A College Student: Everyone in college is plugged in and negative information about you can hurt your college relationships and change the way everyone sees you at school. College students have been forced to transfer to another school when their relationships go bad.

You As A Young Adult: 67% of the young women we interviewed told us that they did an Internet search on their prospective dates.

Don't Let Professional Information About You Affect Your Personal Private Life

Use Reputation Planet and allow your personal side to take a breather from your work side and relax.

by: Reputation Planet

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