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subject: Fast Online Cash: Without The Costly Mistakes [print this page]

For the person who just started looking into online payday loans it's easy to come away with the notion that they're a relatively simple prospect. And to a certain extent they are because there are just so many site operators out there who are willing to lend to you if you have a job and a bank account. Even so, if you take the time to look a little deeper, you can find that there are a number of pitfalls to be avoided. Pitfalls that can work to run up the cost of your cash advance.

One very common pitfall or blunder that all too often leaves the borrower paying on a bill that they completely unanticipated, is taking out a loan for somebody else. Someone who they were close to who has the ability to pay it back, but for one reason or another lacks what it takes to qualify. So they ask a friend to do it for them, with the promise that they will be there when it comes due. All too often though they aren't there when it comes due.

It gets a lot worse than that though, because there's a huge blunder that too many folks make that can in fact land you doing prison time. It's called loan fraud and what they do is alter documents, and then submit them as part of the loan application. What you need understand here, is that the size of a loan doesn't matter in the eyes of the law. So you can be charged and convicted for this with a cash advance as small as $25.

Then because these are high risk loans that are unsecured, that is that they don't require any collateral, virtually all payday loan sites use late payment fees as an incentive for making your payment on time. Now particularly with loans that only have a two-week finance period, it's easy to not have the money there on time, and get hit with them. Getting hit with them once is a big enough problem, then if you get hit multiple times they can really run up the cost your cash advance.

Than you might be surprised to discover just how many people fail to take the time to read, and fully comprehend what's printed on their loan contract. Particularly people who have "challenged" credit. These are the folks who are just happy to finally be excepted for a loan and simply want to sign the papers to get the cash into their account. What you need to know here though, is that there are lots of sites out there that will lend to you to take the time scout around for the best terms.

Then for folks who are willing to spend the time bargain shopping, a bargain gets no cheaper than "free". What I'm referring to here is one time only free loans that more sites are now offering now is a promotional come-on. Now as much as a deal as they are, be aware that the sites that offer them generally have a limit as to how much you can borrow, and just like any other loan they do carry with them late payment penalty fees that can take the bargain right out of them.

Copyright (c) 2011

by: Andrew Scherer

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