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subject: Is there a Fat Burning Diet I can stick to while Traveling? [print this page]

Is there a Fat Burning Diet I can stick to while Traveling?

The days of women staying at home with their kids, men going to a job where a healthy lunch was served in the company cafeteria are long gone. We are facing obesity in epidemic proportions and the advertisements promoting a new fat burning diet increase every day.

How can you make sense of all this information and is there a way to incorporate such a way of eating into your active lifestyle? That question plagues many health conscious people.

Learning the Basics

There are few things you need to know about a fat burning diet to make travel easier.
Is there a Fat Burning Diet I can stick to while Traveling?

1.You can always find something to eat, no matter where you are even if it isn't your top choice.

2.If you are willing to ask questions, you can almost always get what you need.

3.Preparation can make a huge difference, especially on a longer trip.

4.Always bring along at least some things that will make it easier to stick with your plan.

5.Any fat burning diet you can stick to at home can be adapted to the road.

Fat Burning Diet on the Go

Since this might just be the most important aspect of day to day travel, let's start here. Even with the tightened regulations on airplanes there are some basic supplies you can carry with you no matter where you go.

For example, raw almonds are a perfect travel food. They're also great parts of any fat burning diet. They provide you with protein, heart healthy fats and plenty of fiber, which keeps you feeling full. You should never go anywhere without a bag of these delicious nuts.

If possible, pack hard boiled eggs, cut vegetables and sliced nitrite/nitrate free cold cuts in a cooler. If you aren't flying, take plenty of water as well, since it's the healthiest thing you can ever drink! If you are flying, bring a water bottle and fill it after you pass security.

Planning Ahead

For some of us, vacation just isn't complete without a bit of dietary indulgence. That is fine, as long as you plan ahead. If you plan to stay at a resort, call or email in advance. Ask to see the menus used at the restaurants on site.

You may not be able to get steel cut organic oats with two organic whole eggs stirred in alongside organic coffee at the hotel. Oatmeal and poached eggs are a reasonable substitute when you are traveling. They still are in line with a good fat burning diet.

Can't get wild caught salmon? That's ok too, have a grilled salmon fillet on a bed of mixed greens and sprinkle on some lemon juice and olive oil. With the increasing number of food allergies travelers take with them, chefs are used to accommodating guests as long as the requests are reasonable.

Pick the Best Foods You Can and Adapt

Recognize that if you are on a trip you won't be able to tailor your menu as carefully as you do at home. Know what you can eat, and stick with those choices as often as possible.

Pick up fruits and veggies from local markets; you can even get hard boiled eggs at most convenience stores today. Make up for less than ideal eating by upping your exercise regimen a bit if you think it is appropriate.
Is there a Fat Burning Diet I can stick to while Traveling?

Leaving home and traveling doesn't have to mean a full scale abandonment of the eating patterns you know are right. Sure, you may not burn as much fat on the road as you do when you are in your own environment.

But as long as you stick to as many of the principles of your fat burning diet as possible when you are away from home, the damage will be minimal.

Is there a Fat Burning Diet I can stick to while Traveling?

By: Isabel De Los Rios

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