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An overview of Berlin film festival

Berlin is the capital city of Germany and one of its sixteen states. It has an approximate population of over 8 million people. It is located in the northeastern part of Germany with over one third of it composing of forests, parks, rivers, lakes and gardens. It also experiences a temperate seasonal climate.

Founded in the year 1951, Berlin film festival is celebrated in the month of February every year since 1978. Over 400 films are displayed in various categories with around twenty of them competing for the Golden and Silver bears. This event is attended by over 20,000 professional participants from over 130 countries with over 4200 journalist who provide exposure to those attending the event.

During this festival, movie stars and celebrities in music and sports gather at high profile feature film premieres. The entire event is divided into seven different categories where movies are selected in each category by a section director with advice from a committee of experts in this genre.

Competition is under the categories of movies to be released outside their country of origin. Panorama is a category that includes new independent and art-house clips that are related with controversial subjects and unconventional aesthetic styles such as homosexuality. Under the Forum category, there are experimental clips from around the world with special focus on screening works done by the movie makers of younger generation.
An overview of Berlin film festival

The Generation category includes a mixture of short and feature lengths movies directed towards children and the youth. They are further divided into Generation Kplus for those aged four and above and generation 14 plus for those above 14 years. There is also the category of Perspective Deutches Kino that includes video clips with special emphasis on contemporary trends in German cinema.

There is the Berlinale shorts category designated for domestic and international short movies that demonstrate innovative approach and concepts to movie making while the Retrospective category is preserved for classical movies that have already been shown at the other categories.

There are two main awards during this festival. Being the highly prized, the Golden Award is given to the best film in motion picture and lifetime achievement while the Silver Bear award is given for the Jury Grand Prix, Best Director, Actor, Actress, Screenplay, Music, extraordinary achievement and the Grand Prize of the Jury.

An overview of Berlin film festival

By: denverbeyser

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