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subject: Dresses For Girls To Wear Beauty Pageant Competitions [print this page]

Girls in beauty pageants need special dressesGirls in beauty pageants need special dresses. Pageant wear is very different than the clothing the child would wear on any other occasion. The materials, the styles, and the colors, are all specifically chosen to bring out the very best of the childs features, while the prices of the pageant wear is extremely more expensive than any other clothing the child would own.

The pageants will have different categories of competitions, and the dresses for girls to wear during each competition must be appropriate to the category. For instance, evening wear is generally gowns that fit tighter and do not require petticoats beneath them. The evening dress will be sewn from fabrics that are more luxurious than the ones that may be used to sew the outfits for day wear, or the outfits the child will wear while performing their talent segments.

Cottons, and cotton blend, dresses for girls to wear as day wear are acceptable, and by some judges they are preferred. These fabrics look nice and they allow the child to be comfortable. The more comfortable the child is in the outfit they are wearing the more relaxed they will be during the event and the better they will score with the judges.

Taffeta makes an excellent choice of fabrics for dresses for girls in pageants. This material can be made to look very dressy and elaborate and by changing the design style or the trimmings used the fabric can be made to look more practical. Children can often get away with wearing taffeta for daywear or for evening wear, depending on the style of the design, and the ornamentation that is applied to the fabric.

There are specific rules regarding the garments that the children competing in these fashion shows are allowed to wear. The judges will even be critical of the accessories the child wears with the outfit. Shoes must be appropriate for the garments the child is wearing. The other accessories like jewelry are not often worn because the outfits the children have on are so elaborately adorned.

These events can be a lot of fun for the parents and the child competing. You should note that the clothing these little boys and girls wear in these things are extremely expensive to purchase. The gowns these little girls wear may cost hundreds and even thousands of dollars each. If they have several costume changes during the show the price tag for the clothing could be several thousand dollars. Most of the contestants will not wear a gown to more than one show, and this increases the cost a great deal.

Dresses for girls to wear in beauty pageants must be designed for the different categories the child is competing in.

by: ador talukdar

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