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subject: The Crisis of a Christmas Shopper [print this page]

The Crisis of a Christmas Shopper

It is undeniable that for most of us, Christmas is a time of the year to celebrate with the company of friends and family, and a time to have fun. This may be due to the holiday leave from work, or even the mere opening of Christmas gifts that in one way or another draws out the childhood in each of us, and the older we get, it would seem that the more immature we seem to become.

For those folks who can still remember feeling butterflies in the stomach while waiting for Santa to drop by on Christmas Eve and the intoxicating excitement as gifts are opened on Christmas morning, then you might think that Christmas isn't as exciting anymore. If you think so too, then you probably aren't trying hard enough! With a little bit of careful thinking and creativity, it is highly possible to reestablish that feeling of joy and Christmas spirit with some astonishing Christmas gifts.

The first thing, and probably the most important thing before acquiring presents is to know what the recipient is like their likes, dislikes, things they're good at, and not so good at.

If your partner has a "thing" for something other than yourself, or if your friends just sit around aimlessly, hooked to a particular pastime, then why don't you make them go with you through the stressful-but-worth-it Christmas shopping? Surely, you'll find yourself enjoying through the crowd looking for practical presents that will also flash a beam of smile on their faces. If you happen to know someone who enjoys making drinks and concoctions, try giving them the Margaritaville DM900 Battery-Powered Frozen-Concoction Maker. It is a battery-powered frozen concoction maker that will guide parties into a brave new world of possibilities. Or a ProActive ProCircuit Putt Return System for golf enthusiasts?
The Crisis of a Christmas Shopper

Christmas can sometimes give you a great excuse to slip in a bit of wit with those who need constant reminders every now and then of their slightly annoying habits, such as waking up so late in the morning. Then give him/her Clocky Clock Alarm Clock. He runs away and so the sleepy head must chase after that cute little thing to turn it off. And by the time he gets his hand on it, he/she is fully awake.
The Crisis of a Christmas Shopper

But, no matter how you much you think you know someone, there are just episodes when you mind goes blank, not knowing what to give that they might want or need. Let's say you're best friends with the richest man on the planet, what do you give to him that he'll always remember? Lucky you, the answer is nothing at all. Whether you believe it or not, the small ball that does nothing at all is finally here the Christmas gift of Nothing!

In actuality, there are a lot Christmas gift suggestions you can see over the web. But always remember that the true meaning of Christmas cannot be found in those little boxes stacked under the tree. It's a commemoration of God's gifts to mankind the gift of His Son Jesus Christ. Christmas is a time to be grateful for the gift of love with people who matter to us, and a time to share to the less fortunate people around us.

The Crisis of a Christmas Shopper

By: Sam Jaim

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