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How to Stop Your American Bulldog from Barking

Barking as Part of Your Dog's Nature

Just as we humans talk, dogs, on the other hand, bark. It is part of a dog's nature to bark. You cannot possibly keep a dog from barking. Barking may be noisy, but it's already one of the most important things you should consider before you get a dog. If you can't deal with barking and a noisy dog, don't get a dog. No amount of training can keep your dog from barking. You can perhaps control it and lessen the reasons your dog will have to bark its lungs out, but you can never stop barking completely.

When Barking Becomes a Problem

However, if your dog is barking incessantly and excessively, then it might already be a problem. Barking becomes a proble when it is too frequent and becomes uncontrollable. And although barking is part of a dog's normal behavior, dogs usually bark for one reason or another. If your dog starts barking for some reason, and doesn't seem to stop even when the cause of its barking is gone, then you need to control barking, so that you won't end up with an extremely noisy dog.
How to Stop Your American Bulldog from Barking

What Causes Barking Problems

Barking problems are usually more frequent among dogs that have experienced isolation at one point. Dogs that are bored can also turn to barking for lack of nothing better to do, and if these dogs are unsupervised, and the barking is not immediately controlled, the dogs will tend to do it because there seems to be nothing wrong with it anyway. Barking problems, then, usually begin with unhindered barking. Before long, the barking will become a habit that, like all bad habits, is hard to break.

How to Control Barking Problems

To prevent barking problems, make sure that when your dog continues barking for no reason at all, shush him at once. Remember to reward it for not barking, too. If your dog's barking, however, has turned into a problem, the most important thing to do is find out what caused the barking problem in the first place. This will help you gain insight into what made the dog bark, and how it became a problem. For example, your dog feels isolated and lonely. Then, the best way to solve the problem and control barking is to take away the cause. Provide constant companionship for your dog. If not, give your dog something to focus its attention to when it is alone. Also, help your dog release its energy by taking it out on walks and exercising together. This way, with the dog able to release its energy, it won't find the need and even the strength to keep on barking incessantly. It is about keeping your dog happy, or its mental faculties occupied, or its emotional state content and pleased. If so, your dog will feel less need to bark and bark. Take note, however, that solving barking problems is not that easy. You can't expect to solve the problem in one shot. Not because you seem to have alleviated your pet's barking today means that the entire barking problem is gone. Dogs learn through routines, so make sure that you teach your dog on a continuous basis until it settles down completely. While the problem is still underway, try to muffle the barking noises as much as you can by keeping the dog inside a house and where it will make the least disturbance. You wouldn't want your neighbors complaining, would you?

How to Stop Your American Bulldog from Barking

By: ricardo lumbardo

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