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subject: Camping, A Fun Filled Family Camping Holiday [print this page]

Camping is a lot more than recreation for some. It's an activity that can be enjoyed throughout the year and can be enjoyed by people of many ages. Children especially enjoy camping and the various outdoor activities available. If you take a basic approach you can take advantage of what nature has to offer. Going hiking, fishing and nature crafting is all part of the fun and being outdoors means you can appreciate and study nature an activity very seldom done during normal day-to-day busy lifestyles.

If this is your first family camping holiday you don't need to splash out on all the latest, greatest camping gadgets and accessories to enjoy yourself. Keep it basic. Of course, you won't regret buying high quality gear, but you'll want to make sure you enjoy your first trip before you make the more expensive purchases.

High quality gear is essential if you want to visit woods or mountains but for most, the average camp site is adequate. Don't forget that your camping gear is only as good as the environment is was designed for.

When shopping for camping equipment make sure you go to a reputable dealer. If you enjoy family camping and you're about to upgrade your equipment look for high quality suppliers. Always keep your gear well maintained and looked after. Regular servicing goes a long way in ensuring you get the most out of your gear.

Knowing what type of tent will serve you best is an important factor when buying your tent. It depends on the conditions you intend to camp in, as well as budget and number of campers involved in the trip. Your tent will be the single most valuable asset in your camping inventory so this further stresses the point that you need to pick carefully.

Tents are typically categorised by size, or number of sleepers, to extreme weather tents and lightweight one to two person shelters. Camping tents typically range from one and two man tents to four, six, eight and even ten person tents. The one and two person tents are the most easiest to erect whilst the larger tents can be a little more involved.

As a general rule of thumb, tents designed to accommodate three or more people actually hold more. The larger tents are available in dome and marquee designs and if you're planning a family camping holiday you'll find that these types of tent will comfortably accommodate ten or more campers.

The majority of tents these days come with a fly cover which is a waterproof layer that prevents rain from entering the tent whilst at the same time maintaining ventilation. The domed types are typically four-season tents. The shape is designed to help snow slide off and the majority of dome tents come complete with a vestibule, a buffer that sheilds against rain and wind. Some of these extreme climate domed tents are built with two walls for additional warmth in cold climates.

If you've never been camping before it can be a bit tricky getting a list of supplies together. Survival supplies are your first port of call as they might very well save your life. There is a large range of supplies available on the market and you can select from a range of equipment including, but by far not exhaustive, camping tents, bags, fridges, torches, cooking accessories, sleeping bags, stoves, water filters, outdoor clothing and tent repair kits. Again, make sure you purchase the best quality gear you can afford for maximum camping experience.

by: Aaron Wells

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