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subject: Beauty Pageant Preparation Includes Teeth Whitening [print this page]

For many talented girls, the path to the beauty pageant circuit can begin at a young age, and should include a teeth whitening regimen. Even if you are simply joining your local Junior Miss Pageant while in high school with the hope of getting a college scholarship and don't plan to work toward any other pageants, you should definitely include teeth whitening in your preparations.

Many beauty pageants are not strictly focused on beauty alone, but often require the contestants to have a well-rounded education with excellent grades. In addition, many of these contests require a contestant to have a platform on which her campaign for the title is focused. For instance, the campaign may be improving nutrition for children in elementary school or fighting breast cancer.

Some girls who are focused on a particular platform become contestants in a beauty pageant in order to promote that platform at a more visible level. Ideally, the platform should be something the girl has been involved in for several years and has been working on prior to the pageant. There is quite a bit of service that is usually involved, and that is one of the side benefits of beauty pageants that most people don't see. It is amazing to see the good work that many contestants do while building up their platforms for a pageant.

Of course, there is also the physical beauty section of the pageant. A girl must be in excellent physical condition in order to get high scores on the fitness section of the judging. Physical health and nutrition are stressed as the contestants work to learn dance routines that will show off their physical strengths to the judges. As part of the overall appearance, photo shoots are done, both for publicity and to provide face and name recognition by the judges. Prior to any photographic session, most girls will follow a teeth whitening process in order to look their best since a healthy smile is often defined as a white smile.

While there are some people who feel that beauty pageants stress the physical beauty of girls at the expense of everything else, there are actually some pageants that have many aspects that are equally taken into consideration, including scholarship and service to the community. Participating can be an excellent way for a girl to improve these qualities. In addition, participating in a pageant can improve one's self confidence since the girl must put herself forward in a number of different situations. She can learn how to effectively communicate with others as she practices and studies for the interview sections of the judging.

by: Peter Morgan

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