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subject: Single Parents Dating: The 5 Single Parent Dating Tips To Finding The Right One [print this page]

When it comes to dating, tarot cards and crystal balls aren't of any help. When you want to find your ideal man, you got to go out and find him yourself. Tarot cards won't really help. Here are some tips which are proven true, follow these tips to find the perfect one for you.

1. Don't overdo the perfume. Women like smelling sweet, like fruits, flowers, vanilla and honey; these are all nice and sweet smelling scents. But ever wonder how that affects your love life? A study has been conducted which rounded up several men to sniff ladies shirts. It's been revealed that men's testosterone levels go high when they smell the shirts of women who have been ovulating. Meaning, if you are ovulating and you tend to spritz on tons of perfume; that could mask that natural smell. If you are halfway through your cycle, limit the perfume. Your natural scent will do wonders for you. If you don't like going out without perfume, then take a perfumed body wash in place of it. The smell will still be there but only milder and not overpower your natural scent. Guys will chase and you still smell lovely.

2. Look at your fathers. Don't get freaked out, but the reality is people tend to look at people who remind them of their parents. We are naturally drawn to people who look and even smell like out mother and father. The main reason for this is familiarity, that's why people tend to look for a parent-like partner. So if you are looking for that perfect guy, we suggest that you take a look at home to know what you're searching for.

3. Attachment. There are many people who have no problem attracting the opposite sex; the problem lies when it's more than just infatuation and things are getting more serious. Let's see how chemistry and science can help us understand this. There are three main chemical phases that you undergo when falling in love, these are the chemicals that can affect our feelings. In the first stage comes lust which is governed by estrogen and testosterone; then comes attraction, instigated by monomamines; lastly, there is the attachment phase wherein your body is controlled by oxytocin. The hormone oxytocin is the one responsible in promoting bonds for adults. This is released when a couple become intimate with each other. It's said that the more sex two people have, the deeper the bond that they share. So hitting the covers with your sexy single may help keep your relationship strong.

4. Go out and start shopping. Well, in order to meet guys you need to find one right? You really don't need to go to other places or insert a new routine in your lifestyle. You can keep your normal routine; just be more aware of those around you. The perfect place to start is to go food shopping. You'll be able to see different guys and see a glimpse of their lifestyles. Look at what they've got on their trolleys, if you see them having more beauty products that yours then walk on.

5. Take a look at the mirror. It's been found out that married couples look similar to each other. So look at yourself in the mirror, reflect on it; it's the perfect way to spot your ideal man. Spot those guys who look similar to you, this will create that feeling of familiarity. People are egocentric they say, that is quite true. Ever said to your girlfriends on how similar they and their hubbies look like? That's already your living proof. Many married couples not only have similar physical features; some will even have the same earlobe size, ear size, metabolic rates and lung capacities. Remember these juicy bits of information; it's both logical and scientific and it can help your love life. If you find yourself having trouble finding the right one, then it's time to go out and experiment.

by: Andrea Carless

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