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subject: Loneliness In Women [print this page]

Men and women are part of the greater system of universe where they have been living in this world from the very time when they first stepped on earth. They were together, hand in hand, in each other's company. But now, the world is changing and it is taking the shape of a global village.

More Chances but Less Response

Women have more chances to show themselves to their mates, with more glowing faces, with better tactics to entice them, with well-practiced ways to attract them, with more wealth, and ease, etc. Everything seems better for them but they have lost the fervor in love that used to be the characteristic of men. They have more money, resources, and ways to beautify themselves but these things have no effect on their life as all their beautification goes wasted when their mates don't have much time to praise their efforts.

Forced To Stay Away Due To Job

They have become more prone to stay away from their husbands as the latter may have to remain aloof from them for a number of days, weeks, months, or even years, due to their jobs or businesses. Woman and loneliness have become always together for each other. She has to live in the atmosphere where there may be many people around while still feeling aloneness. Sometimes, she is also doing a job to help her husband in running the household expenses. It further isolates her from her husband, children, friends, and even relatives. When they make themselves a helping hand for their families, they actually sacrifice all of their desires and relations to make their families financially stronger. The cycle continues where they are stuck into the situation and never come out of it.

Unrequited Husband's Love

Women loneliness is a part of the global economic recession. Males are more involved in maintaining the bare subsistence level and they have left women alone. They are becoming aloof to making wives happier in providing themselves with pleasures of life such as kissing, giving small simple gifts, taking them to some restaurant or beach, and so on. So, all these things have led the ladies to go away from society where they are experiencing psychological problems and becoming victims of such psychological issues that were unknown in the past.

Love Out Of Necessity

Loneliness in women is there due to many reasons where one of those is that they are mostly loved out of necessity, that is, just to satiate sexual desire. They are given wealth while their husbands may remain away from them; they are called for dating just to fulfill men's sexual urge. They are respected until they are good at cooking and house chores. This sort of treatment has made them alone and they are no more equal to the occasion with others.

Thus, unrequited love, affection without zeal, and house chores keeps women away from their mates where they feel seclusion. Moreover, they are required to work in factories or offices for six to eight hours and are cut-off from society. This may also lead them to isolation.

by: Gen Wright

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