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subject: New Mom Issues In India After Baby Is Born [print this page]

A new mom doesnt have any time for herself. Her complete life revolves around the baby. She does every possible task for her baby without expecting anything in return. It may take some time to adapt for a new mom. She may ask her husband for getting involved into baby activities. But it is not always possible. Husbands have to go out for work and they are not able to find enough time for their babies. It would be better that you should not expect much from your husband.

Immediately after the delivery it may be very difficult for the new mom to look after the baby. In starting she has to take help from her relatives or friends. Once everything is fine she is able to hold up her responsibilities back.

A mother has to change her life according to baby convenience. Babies are not aware about your routine or your pain. In starting it may be difficult or irritating for the new mom. Soon she becomes habitual of every ting. She even doesnt get time for hair cut or face massage. All hectic activities make him teary many times without any good reason. She even doesnt get time for maintaining her figure back. Her routine activities make him more tired than usual.

Sometimes new moms are worried how they would change the diapers. How it would be possible to adjust and sacrificing for small things? Mothering is a natural phenomenon that comes from your heart. You dont have to learn anything for becoming a good mother. Mother is ready to perform every possible activity for her loving child. If your baby is suffering from fever then it does not mean that you are not a good mother. Every baby is different and you have to look after him according to his nature.

Everything got changed after becoming a mother. Till yesterday you were a wife only. Today you are a mother also and your responsibilities have almost become double. Now you have to look the world in a different way. You may have to compromise with some of your hobbies or wishes. Life is full of up and downs and you can handle them better if you know how to deal with them.

New member in the family fills the environment with joys and happiness. Parents make a strong with their baby. It may be possible that wife is giving less attention to the husband after delivery. Still they can make a good relationship through deep understanding. A new mom expects some help from her husband. Husbands should participate in certain baby activities. Also make your wife more happy than usual.

Both wife and husband should give their best after arrival of a new member in the family. Mother also has to keep a lot of patience as she is not only a wife. Breastfeeding and weight issues are the big issues associated with pregnancy. It takes nine months to gain extra weight and it can be reduced in a single day or month. Now parents have to start their journey in a new phase.


Breastfeeding is also a challenge for the new moms. It seems painless but it also requires practice and commitment. In case of any issue, you should consult with your doctor. You dont have to worry about anything as it is the common problem faced by all new moms. You can get more information about breastfeeding from public health units. Also take proper rest and drink lots of water for eliminating breast feeding problems.

Inverted nipples

Before giving birth to your child, check your nipples for flat or inverted. If they are not projected properly it means baby is not positioned correctly. You can use plastic shells for making them project in the outward direction. You can talk to a breastfeed counselor for this purpose.


In Engorgement, you may feel your breast hard and painful. The reason for Engorgement is baby is not removing proper milk. You can use breast pumps for comfortable breasts and make sure there should not be oversupply of the milk. Feed your baby after every three hours and ask him to complete one breast fully before offering the other.

Sore Nipples

Sore nipple is the common problem associated with breastfeeding in the initial stage. Sometimes you feel pain for few seconds and after some time everything goes fine. For continuous pain you should consult with doctor. In case of sore nipples, you can use a breast massage from milk before or after feeding your baby.

Plugged ducts

Oversupply of the milk in the breast may cause plugged ducts. For eliminating this issue, you should feed your baby frequently. In case of plugged ducts, you should prefer loose clothes. Make lot of rest. Feed your baby 8 to 12 times in a single day. Also give a massage to the sore spot during breastfeeding.

Breast infection

Sometimes woman suffer from breast infection because of certain health disorders. You may take supplements according the doctor prescription for removing the breast infection. You can also discuss the issue with your health care providers.

Is baby getting sufficient milk?

Mothers are concerned about the issue about the quantity of milk. Weight gain tells you whether your baby is getting sufficient milk or not. Normally healthy baby gains 4 to 8 ounces per week if he is getting sufficient milk. If you are still concerned about the right quantity then you should talk to your health care provider. Also change the diaper of baby frequently as amount of milk increases. You may have to change six to eight diapers daily.

If you have made any breast surgery then doesnt forget to discuss the issue with your doctor. In some cases, after breast surgery production of milk is not good. So you may have to select other alternatives in case of surgeries. Babies also wake up frequently during night. The reason is they become hungry soon as compared to bottle feed babies. Baby sleeps for long hours in the first week. In that case, wake up your baby and supply milk. This articles shows the incredible changes in life of new mom and how she become adapt to all changes.

by: Parenting Nation

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