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Charitable Giving Is Not Just For Holidays

Charitable giving season for 2011-2012 is now over. Christmas and Valentine's Day are past. No more thinking about loving one's neighbor or any other selfless act for another 10 months.

It is a little sad that charitable giving seems to be confined to a brief, two-month window where people actually think kind thoughts about one another. That many people forget all about the needs of others when they are not being reminded by bells and kettles, solicitation letters from charitable giving organizations, and commercials reminding everyone that "every little bit helps."

It does not have to be this way though. People do not need to limit their charitable giving to one time per year, or thinking about others in need at Christmas and Thanksgiving. Charitable giving should not be restricted to such a tiny window in our cultural calendar. On the contrary, it should be something practiced all year long. There are plenty of times to consider others when people are typically only thinking about having a good time.

Memorial Day commemorates those who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country's freedom. Independence Day, where America celebrates its birthday. Even Earth Day, where everyone is encouraged to think about the environment and the planet.
Charitable Giving Is Not Just For Holidays

One reason charitable giving should be ongoing is the charities themselves. Most businesses have structured their budget and their activities so as to secure a continual source of revenue throughout the year. Sure there are peak times, but for the most part, this society has graduated beyond the agrarian days when folks had to make do for a year on what they were able to reap during the harvest. Many charitable giving organizations still work this way though.

Charities have needs year round, and yet most donors only get into the spirit of giving during a brief window. To their credit, the successful nonprofits and charitable giving organizations have done well budgeting for that systemic reality and even more have events scheduled throughout the year to draw out donors from the aforementioned self-indulgence, usually a dinner or something that gives to the donor first.

It does not have to be that way.

People are hungry and homeless in the summer too. Animals need to be rescued in January and June. Cancer research is going on all the time. And children need everyone's help, every single day.

If charitable giving were a regular feature of our lives instead of an annual rite of washing guilt away, think of what some of these organizations might be able to accomplish with the additional revenue.

The other reason charitable giving needs to continue year round is a bit ironic. It does benefit the giver. While the tax breaks only occur once a year, the feelings of good will that come with genuine, heart-felt giving happen each time someone escapes the haze of self-indulgence. The world feels like a better place during Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as Valentine's Day, when people's hearts and minds are attuned to others. What if it were that way all year long?
Charitable Giving Is Not Just For Holidays

It can be.

It is not too late to make a resolution for the New Year. This year, why wait for Christmas? Why wait for Valentine's Day to express love to someone else? Why wait to give and receive the blessings that come with these days? And not just the various birthdays or anniversaries that crop up during the year. Those are somewhat obligatory charitable giving times and don't carry the same benefits.

This year, pick out several charitable giving organizations to support, create a workable budget so that regular gifts can be provided, and then sit back and enjoy the great feeling that comes with the knowledge that others are being helped.

by: Julia Rostin

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