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subject: Summer Beauty Care Tips [print this page]

Summer sun can be harsh on the skin and hairSummer sun can be harsh on the skin and hair. The strong afternoon sun can cause tremendous damage, sapping Skin caremoisture from the skin and hair and result in increasing melanin formation on the skin. Sunlight is also the biggest cause of premature aging. So this summer stop the clock with skin and hair care tips from Anuradha Ch, Director, Anoos Beauty Salon and Clinic in Hyderabad.


Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Eat plenty of fruits and green leafy vegetables so that you have radiant skin.

Cut down on meat consumption.

Personal care

Bathe at least twice a day. But never bathe as soon after you enter the house after being out in the hot sun.

Use a mild soap for bathing to avoid drying out your skin

Skin care

Never step out in the sun without wearing a sunscreen lotion. A good sunscreen with an SPF 30-50 is a must-have in the bag. The sun protection factor or SPF denotes the minutes the sunscreen will be active against UV rays. Apart from over-the-counter popular cosmetic brands, it is a good idea to check with a dermatologist for a medicated and skin friendly sunscreen that is water/oil based, depending on your skin condition and type.

If you are dusky skinned, it does not mean you are any less at risk of suffering the damage caused by UV radiation. So whatever your skin tone is, sunscreen is a must.

If your skin is extra sensitive, go in for a sun tan lotion with a higher SPF.

Apply the lotion at least 15 minutes before exposure to the sun.

Don't forget your lips. Lips are sensitive, and they require special protection because they cannot tan. Use lipstick or lip balm with a UV protection.

Remember, a sun tan lotion will not prevent you from tanning. It will, however, filter out harmful UV radiation. When you get home after being in the sun for some time, apply an after-sun lotion. This moisturizes your skin.

Hair care

Hair spa treatments help to condition the dry hair and make them smooth and shining.

Wash and cleanse hair weekly 2 to 3 times to keep dandruff at bay. A good medicated anti dandruff shampoo can be used.

For shiny, bouncy and well conditioned hair its best to rub egg yolk into your scalp.

For dry or brittle hair, protein treatment can be sought at a good hair spa.

Keep hair protected by wearing a scarf or a cap when outdoors.

Tip to treat hair fall Add 11.5 tablespoons of flaxseed to your diet. You will see an effect on your hair over a period of nine months.

Some of the places in Hyderabad where you can buy your summer care products include Balaji Cosmetics, Andhra Hosiery and Kathiawar Stores.

by: RickJonathan

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