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subject: Dating Advice - Try To Hold Off On Telling Her You Like Her [print this page]

It is kind of funny to think that it can be a bad thing to be a little too open with the way that you feel about a woman, but that is the way that it goes sometimes. Particularly, when a guy is a little too expressive of the way that he feels about a woman too soon, that can end up being a bad thing. You wouldn't think that this would be the case, but you know what? Quite often - it is. See, when a guy is too open with the way that he feels about a woman, it can give off the wrong impression to her. It can make her assume that he is rushing things, that he is a little bit too eager to try and be her boyfriend. You don't want to give off that impression if you can help it.

What you do want to do is to learn how to use mystery to attract a woman. You want to learn to play your cards a little more discreetly and leave her guessing a little bit about the way that you really feel about her. Now, I know that some guys will interpret this as playing games with a woman... but try it out and see what happens. More often than not, you will find that it is a good thing to be a little less open with the way that you feel about her. You might be thinking that it should not be that way, but you have to look at things for what they are and not what you want them to be.

Most men just don't realize that they end up making things harder than it has to be simply because they approach dating from a perspective of how they think things should be. Instead of observing what works and then using that to develop their own dating techniques, they just go about things the way that they want it to be and that usually works against them. It's up to you what you really want to do, but if you are trying to make a woman feel attracted to you, then you should go with what works most of the time.

Curiosity Killed the Cat, But it Certainly Attracts Women...

Mystery attracts women because it plays on the natural tendency that people are attracted to what they are curious about. In this case, what you want to do is to make a woman feel attracted to you, right? Well, if you want that to happen, then you want to pique her curiosity and you are going to do that if you are mysterious around her. On the other hand, if you allow her to know exactly what you are feeling right from the beginning, then there is no mystery there. There is nothing to make her feel curious about you and that will usually take a way a lot of the potential attraction that she would have felt for you.

by: Chris Tyler

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