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subject: How to Figure Out the Hidden Pattern of Online Making Money Rip-Offs [print this page]

How to Figure Out the Hidden Pattern of Online Making Money Rip-Offs

If you've been using the internet for a while I'm sure you have noticed sites that tell you how to make money online. However, if you look carefully they just tell you to do this and that which is similar to any other money making site when it comes to marketing. But what do they offer? If you look closer to what's going on, it's like an everlasting circle of internet marketers supporting another internet marketer without any defined goal. They tell you sign up and buy their eBook which is reworded from someone else's marketing eBook; this is where the consumer gets ripped off. I'm not saying all websites which sell eBook or teach you about internet marketing are bad, but I want you to think about what their angle is. The intention from all these sellers is the same, it's all about making money out of their consumers. They will tell you whatever you need to hear in order to order their eBook.

Think, did you ever notice those long pages of information that tell you all the good things about their eBook. Their pages don't even look as if that much effort was put into it. They highlight words and point out that they'll give thousands of dollars of information for only $47 or $97, etc.

I'll tell you a secret the same information that is in those eBooks is available online for free. I decided to test one of those programs. I bought an eBook for one dollar, with low risk I didn't have anything to loose. The seller said I can make an enormous amount of money if I follow his eBook. I always have my doubts but just to confirm my doubts I decided to purchase it. And one dollar is next to nothing, it's the price of a cup of iced tea. So I bought the eBook and not to my surprise it was worthless. The eBook showed how to setup a plain web site and take already written articles and put in AdSense code and that's it; that was basically it. That eBook was short and it gave me information which I learned 7 years ago, which was basically making a plain web page.

Now, the next example; I decided not to spend a dime on this eBook. I found the download link of this eBook from a forum which gave out the eBook for free. However, from the writer's web page the eBook was like $97. So, I took a look at this eBook; the writer claimed this information is nowhere to be found online and it was his and only his. I started to read the eBook and it was just too funny to continue reading; I just then skimmed through the crap he wrote. That eBook basically gave instructions on how to sign up with Google AdSense and build an AdSense site with an email subscription sign up form. The instructions were to email the gullible subscribers on paying for an eBook from ClickBank and to do the exact same thing to their subscribers; that was the information he had which was his and only his as he claimed. If you haven't figured it out by now, they was basically instructions to build a pyramid scheme.

I had a good chuckle from these rip off writers. I wouldn't say scam in this situation because the buyer is still getting something for the money he or she paid, which is a digital eBook. I researched for so many years for the best equation to make money online, and it's just plainly writing great content on about one's passion and traffic will come along with the money.

Azmi Jahan has been in the online business for years. He writes about personal development and productivity on his blog. He has extensive experience in what is legitimate and what is not online based on his experience.

How to Figure Out the Hidden Pattern of Online Making Money Rip-Offs

By: Christine

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