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The Best Teas For Your Hcg Weight Loss Diet

All Weight Loss Experts recommend herbal teas and water with your HCG Weight Loss regimen. The market has a diverse range of herbal teas to choose from, hereby preventing you from the boredom or consuming the same food types and beverages day in and day out. In addition to the benefit of variety, these teas also offer a range of added health benefits which boost your weight loss initiative. Whats more? As a dieter, if you come across a particular flavour or herbal tea type that you especially fall in love with, you can easily continue consuming it after the completion of your diet without having to worry about its effects on your health.

Here are some of the most popular herbal teas you can choose from to support your HCG weight loss regimen-

Green Tea

This tea is typically made from dried tea leaves and is known for its light colour as well as light flavour. It is especially low in caffeine since it contains only about 30 milligrams of it per cup and is found to help cure problems related to body infections, cardiovascular diseases, reduce cholesterol levels, improve the immune system and even prove beneficial to patients with rheumatoid arthritis and cancer. The Eigalloocatechin Gallate (EGCG) content in green tea acts as a great antioxidant and helps destroy cancer cells, curbs growth of cancerous cells and even reduces LDL Cholesterol. It is also known to burn calories very efficiently.

Black Tea

A number of experts for HCG weight loss in Vancouver recommend this herbal tea which is acquired from the Camellia Sinensis tea plant. The leaves from this tea are first dried and then fermented, which leads to the darkening of the tea leaves. This process has a major role to play in the intense flavour of the herbal tea. Just like green tea, this herbal tea is also low in caffeine content and is loaded with antioxidants that protect that body from health related damages. The quercetin in black tea helps protect from problems related to inflammation.

Many dieticians and nutritionists recommend consuming black tea about three times a day to reduce the risk of a stroke. It is also beneficial for diabetic patients since it facilitates quicker absorption of blood sugars. From a HCG dieters perspective, this tea is ideal to keep glucose levels under control.

Detox Herbal Tea

Another great option for an HCG dieter, this tea helps us get rid of all the unwanted impurities within our bodies. This tea helps naturally get rid of all the toxins, poisons and impurities which enter our body as a result of the type of foods we eat, places we go to and lifestyle in general.

Oolong Tea

This Chinese tea is semi-oxidized and is in some way a combination of the green and black teas. It lies somewhere in between its green and black counterparts with respect to colour and fragrance. This tea is known for its benefits with respect to anti-aging, enhancement of the immune system, and also helps in digestion, which makes it a great herbal tea for an HCG weight loss diet.

Before you start regularly consuming any form of herbal tea, remember to get it approved by the expert who is monitoring your HCG diet.


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