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subject: Sedation Dentistry Helps Patients Relax During Treatment [print this page]

Imagine a relaxing, refreshing, and enjoyable dental experience. Don't think it can happen? With advancements in dentistry you can now enjoy your dental appointment without the fear you may commonly experience. With the aide of IV sedation, oral sedation dentistry, nitrous oxide gas, or NuCalm, you can leave your next dental appointment feeling rejuvenated, balanced and actually happy you kept your appointment.

Intravenous (IV) Sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation is when an anti-anxiety medication is administered into the blood system during dental treatment. This allows for a fast onset of sedation and gives the dentist better control on the sedation level, which are considered as main advantages of IV sedation over other sedation modalities. However, the need to use a needle is one of the main concerns against IV sedation, especially for needle phobic patients.

Before the IV sedation procedure, you will need to follow the pre-operative instructions given to you by your dentist. Continuous monitoring of any patient undergoing IV sedation is critically important for ensuring the safety of IV sedation procedures. Breathing, pulse, blood pressure and oxygen saturation are monitored by a combination of clinical observation and use of electronic equipment. Recovery may take up to 24 hours, and during this period the post operative instructions must be followed carefully.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation medicine helps you to relax by slowing the action of the central nervous system. You will remain aware of your surroundings, but you may be less responsive to external stimuli. Among other things, this reduces your sense of pain, as well. With oral sedation, you are given a sedative in the form of a pill in which you will take before your procedure. After taking your sedative, you will feel calmer and more relaxed.

Nitrous Oxide

Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is can significantly reduce your fears and discomfort. It is best suited for cases of mild to moderate anxiety and is the most frequently used sedation method in dentistry today. Under nitrous oxide you will remain conscious with the ability to breathe on your own, and a sense of total well-being or euphoria. Patients generally recover quickly, with positive feelings of the experience.

What is NuCalm?

NuCalm is a revolutionary technology that is proven to naturally relax the body within minutes - significantly improving clinical outcomes, patient experiences, and practice growth. NuCalm uses four components that work together to bring the body to a deep state of calm. It is administered as soon as you sit in the dental chair and takes approximately three minutes to begin working. Within three to five minutes you will then feel the relaxation effects.

First, once you are in the dental chair, you will chew on tablets that are designed to relax you by counteracting adrenaline. The proprietary formula is only available in the NuCalm system and includes structured, nutrient-sourced building blocks that rapidly create a natural relaxation response. Next, micro-current stimulation patches are placed behind each ear, as research suggests this helps facilitate the relaxation response.

Noise-dampening headphones are then used to deliver proprietary neuroacoustic software, layered with soothing music, to bring your brain wave pace to the pre-sleep stage. Additionally light-blocking glasses are then used to negate visual stimuli and help maintain the NuCalm relaxation state. The combination of these four components provides you with a powerful and effective relaxation experience, especially during dental procedures. The more stressed or anxious you are, the more profound the NuCalm effect will be.

Talk to your dentist in West Chester, PA for more information on how sedation dentistry or NuCalm can help eliminate your fears.

by: Gen Wright

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