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subject: Ways To Alleviate Chronic Bronchitis Symptoms [print this page]

Chronic bronchitis is characterized by the inflammation and irritation of the air passages on the lungs. The soreness usually results in the formation of mucus in the airways or the bronchial tubes. Recurrent infections on the lungs can trigger the deposition of mucus that can clog up the airways, thereby causing breathing difficulties. Other common chronic bronchitis symptoms involve wheezing and persistent cough with heavy sputum.

In affected individuals, the symptoms of the disorder are persistent and it may take place several times annually. One of the most common reasons for chronic bronchitis is cigarette smoking and this can affect both active and inactive cigarette smokers. It could also be because of bacterial or viral infection, pollution as well as allergic reactions. Furthermore, this illness can also impact individuals in spite of age, though it is usually found in women within the age of 45.

The remedy for this problem usually consists of bronchodilators, oral medications, and changes in lifestyle, oxygen supplementation and in unusual situations of chronic bronchitis, surgical treatments might be important. Lung reduction surgery can be carried out in order to remove the damaged areas of the lungs. Lung transplant can also be needed in critical conditions of chronic bronchitis. The treatment method for the problem is determined according to the patients age, the seriousness of the illness and the general health condition.

The main goal of the treatment of bronchitis is to reduce the indicators and to prevent any risks. Some of the most frequently used remedies include the following:

* Bronchodilators are prescribed by doctors to dilate the breathing passages as a way to minimize swelling. This type of medicine can be available as oral medicines or aerosol sprays.

* Sometimes, steroids can also be used to reduce the degree of the indications. These medicines are being used as aerosol sprays however, this drugs may cause a variety of adverse reactions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

* Antibiotics can also be suggested considering that respiratory infection is very prevalent in people afflicted with chronic bronchitis.

* Chronic bronchitis is associated with breathing problems and several affected individuals require the usage of supplemental oxygen. At present, there is no need to go to the hospital to obtain this because it can be bought and used in your own home.

* Pulmonary rehabilitation is yet another significant section of the overall treatment for chronic bronchitis. This consists of basic education concerning the problem, breathing workouts and nutrition counseling. Studies have shown that regular physical exercises can be very helpful for sufferers.

* It was also seen that particular vaccinations could help avoid recurrent episodes of respiratory infection. Annual vaccine for flu and pneumonia, a minimum of every 5 to 7 years, is also beneficial for the issue. It is also essential to quit smoking to avoid additional complications.

Aside from all these, chronic bronchitis can also be avoided by keeping yourself away from contaminants, such as smoke and dust. Preventing infections should also be done by keeping personal hygiene and avoiding individuals with flu and cold. Early clinical diagnosis of the problem and treatment can greatly help sufferers against the condition. For other health concerns, like atherosclerosis symptoms and manifestations, comprehensive medical diagnosis is also essential for managing the illness.

by: Joseph Butcher

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