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subject: Online Banking-a Convenient Tool For International Money Transfer [print this page]

Online Banking-a Convenient Tool For International Money Transfer

In this age of rat race, speed is the ultimate mantra to survive in every walk of life. Everything you need, you want it on demand. Sluggishness in service means complete waste of your precious time and resources. Consider the case of traditional mode of money transfer. It is a slow process and money reaches the recipient after a few days. At the same time, if you need to withdraw cash, it is not provided with immediacy. You need to queue up and oblige with some formal procedures. However, these irritating experiences are soon going to be part of the history as International Money Transfer via online facilitates money transaction at a lightening pace.

With massive increase in the number of clients, the banks are nowadays overstuffed with monstrous workloads. Hectic work schedule due to loads of day-to-day transactions has made it quite impossible for the speedy delivery of money. Furthermore, transactions through the brick and mortar organizations only happen within the working hours. But what if you need to transfer money at midnight or wee hours in the morning? Even a few decades ago, there were no solution for such expediency but now it is a completely different story. You can send money to every nook and cranny of the globe and that too within just a few minutes. Shortening of gap between the demand you make and supply you get is making online Transfer Money a favorite with the net savvy crews.

Online money transfer is not only faster but it is secured too. How much you are going to send or receive is never made an open secret and information in this regard is always kept under lock and key. Online transaction "" commonly referred to as "Net Banking" "" is the most convenient tool when it comes to transferring money from one country to another. There is no "hard and fast" rule as to the choice of country. In most of the cases, online "Transfer Money" requires maximum one business day. In some instances, it is done almost within blink of an eye. However, there is a catch! Online banking is only possible if you have an account with a particular bank from which you intend to send money. Another must-remember point is that the bank must have a branch in the country where the money will be sent to. What you send must be convertible in the currency of that particular country.

The worst about conventional money transfer mode is its delayed service that causes worries and anxiety to both senders and receivers until the process is complete. Due to the drastic changes happening continuously on the industrial front and undefined time limit for the work process at the business organizations, they look for a choice what can give them immediate service and utmost security. All the major financial hubs dotting the international landscape have introduced "banking at doorsteps" facility to ease International Money Transfer from one place to another within the barriers and beyond the borders. Online banking is definitely a solution tuned with demand for more speed and security.

by: Hemanth Ravi

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