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Treatment For Piles Over The Counter Treatment Options For Hemorrhoids

Dealing with hemorrhoids, often called piles, can be frustrating and uncomfortable, especially with all the burning, irritation, itching and pain that can accompany the problem. While severe piles can require medical treatment, over the counter treatments are often enough to effectively deal with the problem. If youre interested in learning how to get rid of piles, its a good idea to know what over the counter options are available to you. Here is a look at some of the most popular treatments for hemorrhoids that can be purchased over the counter.

Vasoconstrictor Medications

Vasoconstrictor medications are over the counter treatments that can be used for the treatment of hemorrhoids. They work by helping to shrink the hemorrhoid tissue and by tightening up the blood vessels in the affected area. Various over the counter treatments include the vasoconstrictor, phenylephrine, which is used in various preparations for the treatment of piles.

Protectant Treatments

Protectant treatments are helpful as a treatment option for hemorrhoids. While they wont eliminate piles, they do help to protect the tissue to keep it from being irritated and drying out. Some of the protectants often found in various hemorrhoids products include starch, mineral oil and zinc oxide. These ingredients help to form a barrier over the affected tissue, helping it to heal more effectively.

Numbing Anaesthetics

If youre looking for information on how to get rid of piles, one of the main problems you may deal with is burning and pain. Numbing anaesthetics are available in over the counter treatments for hemorrhoids. They work by helping to numb the nerves in the area, offering temporary pain relief. Various local anaesthetics are used in hemorrhoid treatment preparations.

Hydrocortisone Treatments

Many of the over the counter treatments for hemorrhoids use hydrocortisone in them. Hydrocortisone is used in low doses in these treatments and is a steroid that helps to treat the itching that so many people experience when dealing with piles. Many ointments and creams include this ingredient to help treat problems with piles.

Fibre Supplements

Fibre supplements can be an effective treatment option for hemorrhoids, since it is essential for keeping bowel movements regular and soft. Getting plenty of fibre helps you to avoid constipation, which can irritate the area and make hemorrhoids worse. One of the best long term methods of preventing and treating problems with piles is by making sure you get plenty of fibre. While you can get fibre by eating foods that contain it, some people have a tough time getting the fibre they need. For this reason, a supplement can be the perfect option for treating hemorrhoids.

Combo Treatments

Some of the best treatments for hemorrhoids are actually combo treatments, which means they include a combination of these ingredients. They are designed to work to treat the various symptoms that come along with hemorrhiods. Some include natural ingredients known for treating piles as well, such as witch hazel.

If youre wondering how to get rid of piles, the good news is that you have plenty of great over the counter treatment options available to you if youre dealing with this problem today. In most cases, its the combination treatments that provide the best results, since they help to treat multiple symptoms that come along with hemorrhoids, including pain, swelling, itching, irritation and burning. You dont need to see your doctor to purchase over the counter treatments and many are reasonably priced as well.

by: Helena Potter

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