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subject: How To Get The Most Out Of Meeting Women Online [print this page]

How To Get The Most Out Of Meeting Women Online

While some guys seem to think this way and there are plenty of commercials that you might see that will try to get you to think this way, just plugging into an online dating site is certainly not a guarantee that you are going to be able to meet any women. It's not as if you are able to sign up and immediately bet a barrage of women trying to get to know you. Most guys are going to log in, scroll around, and that is about the most that they are going to get out of an online dating portal. Well, there are some things that you can do that can make your online dating experience a little bit better.

Here is some advice that will help you get the most out of meeting women online:

1) You can't act like you are there to just pick up women.

That has to be one of the worst ways to try and use an online dating site, even though they are a great way to pick up women. What do I mean by that? Well, if you log in and you search for the hottest women you can find and then you shoot off instant messages with some lame line, you are not going to get much in the way of positive feedback. On the other hand, if you have a clever way to get conversation started, then you can do very well picking up women online.

2) You have to learn to talk in text language.

This can be hard for some guys. Some things don't translate well when you are just using text or instant messages to communicate with one another. For example, if you have a sarcastic sense of humor, the jokes that you tell may not come across as being jokes and may sound offensive to a woman. So, you do have to learn how to use text to try and convey what you are trying to say.

3) Finally, you can't get caught up in just hanging out online.

It's kind of easy to just get used to logging in and using the dating platform to do all of your socializing, but the reality is, if you want to date or get a girlfriend, then you have to do things off line as well. This is where some guys get stuck, because they know how to make conversation through the web, but they are terrible at doing that in person. So, instead of migrating off of the internet to meet in person, they just get comfortable being online. You really don't want to do that if what you are really after is a relationship or a girlfriend.

by: Chris Tyler

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