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subject: More About Cancer Diagnosis [print this page]

Cancer is one of the critical illnesses that are diagnosed at later stages. It is because it chows symptoms quite late. Thus, it becomes difficult to diagnose cancer. Cancer diagnosis requires physical examination with diagnostic testing. There are many tests that may be performed to determine whether a person is suffering from a cancer or not.

Tests performed to diagnose cancer are used to confirm presence of disease, monitor the disease and plan the treatment. Repetition of test may be done to confirm the results. The test used for cancer diagnosis may include tumour biopsy, endoscopic examination and imaging.

There are a variety of blood tests that can be done to perform level of different substance in blood. The units of different substance present determine the functioning of different body organs. The increased level of waste products indicates the improper working of kidneys. A CBC, complete blood count, is also one of the important tests that help in determining the level of blood components.

Urinalysis is the process of breaking down the components of urine to check for the presence of drugs, blood, protein, and other substances. Tumour markers are substances that are released by cancerous cells into the blood or urine or substances created by the body in response to cancer cells. Tumour markers are used in detection, diagnosis and treatment of cancers. It may also be used in identifying future problems. There are a variety of tumours markers that may be present in blood and may signify different body condition.

Lets know about few tumours markers whose knowledge is useful in diagnosing the problem of cancer.

PSA, Prostate specific antigen, is always present in adult males in low concentration. High PSA level may be the indication of prostate cancer. Likewise, high level of PAP, prostatic acid phosphate may indicate testicular cancer. These increased levels of PSA or PAP may also be the sign of other diseases. thus, they may also be performed for the monitoring of cancer treatment.

For ovarian cancer, the presence of CA 125 is checked. Hence, one needs to check level of different substance for the diagnosis of cancer.

by: mukesh

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