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subject: Natural Breast Enlargement [print this page]

Any discharges per vagina have unhelpful effect on breast size. More the discharge, smaller the breast size. As any kind of hormonal disturbance in the body of a female cause the breast size to change.

Breast Enhancement through Herbal/Home Remedies

Home remedies for natural breast enlargement are available for those women, who are frustrated to have small breasts, as it hampers their lifestyle and overall looks.

There are still some herbal and other home based remedies, which can improve the size of your breasts, proving this notion to be baseless. If you want to be on the safer and affordable side, you need to follow what are known as home or herbal remedies for natural breast enlargement. Here are most effective home remedies in this direction:

Saw palmetto: Apart from being used for a number of other problems in men and women, including urinary tract infections, overweight and others, this natural herb is also useful in enlarging the size of breasts. It is known as the hormone regulator herb and can exhibit desirable results in targeted time period.

Wild Yam: Wild yam is a natural herb, quite helpful in controlling blood pressure and body cholesterol. Apart from this, it has found application in improving a number of conditions related to female health and natural breast enlargement is one of them.

Pueraria Mirifica: It is not only known for improving the health of skin and hair, but can also boost the process of natural breast enlargement.

Fenugreek: You must have heard about the capability of fenugreek in improving the milk production in a nursing mother. The good news is that it can also be used to improve the size of breasts in female. It contains plant extracts, which are helpful in enlarging the breast size by regulating the hormones.

Dona Quai: This natural herb has been useful in regulating the production of estrogen and can play a wonderful role in natural breast enlargement. The roots and extracts of this herb are used for achieving success in this direction. The breast tissue health is improved by consuming these herbal products.

Blessed Thistle: The strongest estrogenic properties of blessed thistle also assist wonderfully in enlarging the size of breasts and also for improving the milk supply of the breasts for a nursing mother. This herb can also be consumed for improving the circulation of blood.

Watercress Leaf: Watercress leaf is a natural product, rich in vitamin E. This vitamin is very vital for the growth of breast.

Dandelion Root: Dandelion root is helpful in increasing the production of breast cells and improving the health of breast tissues as well as it generates no harmful side-effects in the woman body.

Fennel Seeds: The fennel seeds are valuable for increasing the amount of estrogen. These seeds are also effective as stimulators and tonics. These seeds play wonderful role in formation of new cells and tissues in the breasts.

Marshmallow Roots: You can prepare the marshmallow roots extract and dip a towel in it. You can use this towel dipped in extract to compress your breasts. You can also drink the extract for one few months, taking regular 7 day breaks after every month to achieve similar results. It is considered to be a good solution for natural breast enlargement.

Breast Massage: The massaging of breasts with natural oils, rich in botanicals extracts can also assist you to increase your breast size.

Another herbs and foods for Breast Enhancement

There are quite a few other herbs and foods that can help contribute to breast health. They are:-

* Garlic

* Green Tea

* Olive oil - in moderation

* Turmeric - A popular Indian Spice

* Dark leafy green veggies like broccoli and spinach

* Lower fat dairy foods rather than whole dairy foods

* Whole grain foods - Replacing any refined white flour foods

Red wine - rich in antioxidants and excellent for overall cancer prevention and breast health when consumed in moderation.

by: Greg Bredy

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