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subject: The influence of Fairtrade [print this page]

Fairtrade around the break of the millennium was a fairly unknown concept, most people didn't realise the problems in third world countries caused by capitalist culture in the western world. Farmers exporting products such as Tea Leaves, Coffee Beans, Tropical fruits and Cocoa Beans were being exploited, barely scraping a living from a hard years work. This was all for the benefit of western businesses and greedy shareholders.

The Fairtrade label changed all this; the label alone was a sign of fairness, equality and hope for those affected. The fact a Fairtrade bunch of bananas could be placed on the same shelf in a store as a regularly sourced bunch of bananas, showed the customer that exploitation didn't have to happen. Once the customer knew what the label was and what it stood for, the situation in the market changed. Customers knew purchasing these products made a difference. Major brands exploiting their sources could no longer brush things under the carpet, they had to come clean.

The old saying states "Customer is king", this has been apparent with the Fairtrade label, the attitude with the consumer has become, "You're not Fairtrade? Why not?". Becoming Fairtrade has become a huge selling point for the leading manufacturers in consumer goods, a statement of good intent and well, fair trade. Huge brands such as Cadburys and Ben & Jerry's have announced Fairtrade products with the latter looking to move completely to Fairtrade by 2013. This kind of move shows a business can still be successful and hold a strong ethical stance.

The example set by some of the leading brands in world trade has laid the foundations for Fairtrade businesses to be set up, relying purely on fairly sourced and organic raw materials. This kind of business is paving the way for sustainable fair business in the future. All of which was started by the Fairtrade label, which has grown to be one of the leading influencers of change in the third world. The example now set has raised the bar for ethical standards within world trade; this can only be a positive sign for future business and the aid to development in third world countries.

When buying new clothes always look for Organic Clothing and mens and women's fairtrade clothing, making sure the grower gets a fair price

The influence of Fairtrade

By: Cole Rees

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