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subject: Breast Enhancement Using Fat Transfer [print this page]

Breast enhancement using fat grafts instead of silicone or saline-filled implants, involves the removal of fat from the stomach, thighs or buttocks and transferring it into breast tissue. As fat transfer breast enhancement simply redistributes the body's fat cells to the breast, this procedure is gaining acceptance among women who prefer a natural alternative to implants. However, several factors affect the success of the technique, and professional organizations have cautioned that more research is needed before concluding that the procedure's benefits outweigh the risks. So far, there is little clinical evidence to suggest that fat grafting for breast enhancement is safer or better than saline or silicone breast implants.

Fat cells are acquired through liposuction from areas that contain excess fat, and once harvested, are processed for transplantation. The fat is then inserted through small injections into the space between the skin and breast capsule or behind the breast and the breast wall. A medical professional can customize enhancement for each woman by injecting fat into specific areas of the breast that require shaping. There is no risk of rejection or allergic reaction as the fat tissue used is organic to the body.

Women who wish to opt for this procedure should keep in mind that fat grafting will only result in a subtle increase in breast size as compared to traditional implants, and it is not a guaranteed permanent solution. One of the key concerns with fat grafting is the longevity and durability of the fat cells after they are removed, treated for transplantation, and then injected back into the body. This process can be affected by factors such as how the fat cells are harvested, the techniques used to process the fat and the site of the injections. After the fat is inserted into the breast, the cells may be absorbed by the body, liquefy or turn into calcified masses. Fat enhancement is only successful if the fat cells injected into the breasts survive and integration is achieved, and results can vary from six months to eight years. This process requires to be done over several stages, increasing the costs significantly as compared to breast enhancement using implants and with results which are less predictable.

Additionally, there are side effects and potential risk associated with breast enhancement via fat transfer, including infection and fat migration within the body. As the fat can move and reshape over time, some women may require multiple procedures to obtain a satisfactory result. Bruising, redness and swelling can be expected at both the donor and injection sites. Women may also be required to wear a Brava device for several weeks before and after the fat injection, which may be cumbersome. Of particular concern is that fat calcification can interfere with accurate detection of breast cancer during mammograms.

There is increasing interest in fat grafting for breast enhancement as it presents a natural alternative to implants. However, this procedure is not the best option for everyone. Women without a significant store of fat or who are looking for significant increase in size may want to opt for a more traditional procedure. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) advices women who are considering breast enhancement alternatives to opt for silicone or saline implants.

Disclaimer: This article is for general awareness and should not be considered as medical advice. Consult a qualified plastic surgeon for exact guidance.

by: Anna Susan

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