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subject: Breast Augmentation: Things You Need To Know [print this page]

By far the number one plastic surgery procedure in America is breast augmentation. Nearly a million women have undergone the procedure in the past three years, and the trend does not seem to be lessening. The benefits of having this sort of surgical procedure are many for the women who go under the knife. They have a fuller more beautiful chest, and many say they feel more feminine as a result. The reasons for choosing to have this procedure vary from those simply looking to improve their appearance for purely cosmetic reasons, replacement of lost tissue due to trauma or disease, or construction of a beautiful bust to correct a congenital defect. Regardless of why a woman seeks a surgeon, there is a procedure to help correct and improve their chest.

This procedure uses implants to enhance and reshape the chest. During breast augmentation, these pouches are inserted under the skin or beneath the muscle and are positioned to look the most natural and full. The implant itself is filled with either a silicone gel or a saline fluid. They are designed to stay in position and to last for many years. Depending on a number of factors they should last for any where from one to several decades.

The breast augmentation surgery itself typically takes around two hours. It begins with a pre-surgical prep to get the body ready to go in and have the operation. Because the procedure is done under general anesthetic it is likely that there will be a restriction on food and liquid intake about twelve hours before the scheduled treatment. In the operating room they will administer the anesthetic and begin the surgery. Depending on the approach, the doctor will make an incision around the areola, at the base of the mammary, in the armpit or in the bellybutton. The decision on where to place the incision is dependent on many factors. One is the size and shape of the implant that will be used. Another is the desire to reduce visible scarring.

After the incision is made and the implants are positioned, the doctor will check for symmetry and close the area. The patient is then wrapped in a compression bandage to reduce swelling and facilitate healing, and then brought to a recovery room. When the patient is fully awake and feeling ready, they will be discharged to return home and recuperate. Because of the invasiveness of the procedure and the need for healing, it is recommended that physical activity be kept to a minimum for at least several days. As the surgical site heals, light activity and a return to work may be possible. Finally, within about a month in a half the incision should be barely noticeable, and in a few months it will be all but gone. Likely the doctor will ask that the patient return a few times for follow-up care and to check on the status of the breast augmentation.

by: Anders Abadie

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