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Improve Online Visibility With Professional Website Design

Belfast web design companies can transform an ordinary website into a professional looking sales tool for businesses. The current trend is SEO or search engine optimized web design since prominent search engines have design specifications to make it easy for webpages to be indexed by them and drive targeted traffic.

Optimized web design increases visibility, sales and search rankings which automatically attracts traffic. Here are some strategic ways to improve online visibility through web design in Northern Ireland

A visible call to action

Your Belfast web design must conspicuously display calls to action. Visitors have short attention spans and may not always read everything on the web page. It is best to tell them exactly what is expected of them.

Easy website navigation

Cluttered designs and too many elements can be confusing, resulting in visitors exiting the site without the intention of coming back. With intuitive navigation, visitors have a clear idea what to do when they find the information they want.

Use catchy headlines

Content forms a critical part of Belfast web design as this is what attracts visitors to the website in the first place. An attractive headline can grab their attention, inspiring them to stay on the site. Use the right font size and color to make them stand out. Experiment with different headlines to see which ones are most effective. Make sure the content is internally linked to relevant pages within the website and optimized with the right keywords.

Include contact details on every page

Regardless of the type of business the website is about, displaying contact details on all pages is a must. This inspires confidence in the visitor and lets them know that you can be reached if they want to get in touch. If you happen to run a service, a toll-free phone number is a good addition.

The reliability factor

If yours is an E-Commerce website, one of the things visitors will look for is the BBB, VeriSign or TRUSTe logo as it will tell them that your website is safe and can be trusted.

Use color sparingly

Study your target demographics and design your Belfast website with the kind of colors that will appeal to them. This will help with more conversions.

Capture your visitors' details

Since not every visitor will turn into a customer at the first visit, create a contact form where they can sign up for website updates or a newsletter if you have one. This will help you build your marketing list and keep them informed about future offers.

Test all your links

There is nothing more annoying for a visitor than to use a link that leads to a 404 error page. Customize your 404 error page to help the visitor find their way back to a part of your website you want them to see. There are tools available to test website links and ensure they work. The same goes for html code.

Finally, professional Belfast web design implies a fast loading website that is a pleasure for the visitor to navigate. While a good looking website is desirable, what makes it professional is its ability to engage its visitors and convert them into buyers. This implies that the web design in Northern Ireland must be visually appealing as well as functional.

by: Peter Wilson

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