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subject: How To Make Money Online [print this page]

Many people are looking for ways to make money online. There are some legitimate ways to earn an income online, but consumers must learn how to avoid the scams and find the legitimate offers. Here are some of the legitimate offers available:

1. Freelancer

Freelance work can encompass a variety of tasks. There are many websites online to help freelancers find work. Freelancers may generate leads for Facebook and Twitter, or they may generate keyword-rich copy for websites.

Freelancers may also optimize websites to improve search engine optimization. Being a freelancer simply means that a person is self-employed and will take contract work as a form of employment. Some freelancers are paid a generous amount and others are paid at a reduced rate. Reduced rates are often the reason companies hire freelancers over full-time employees.

2. Website Developer

Companies requiring custom websites may contact website developers for help. Website developers can charge a significant amount of money for custom websites which are not made with templates. Large enterprises most often use these services. Smaller businesses often use templates which are easier and more affordable than custom websites. Technically-inclined people can earn an income designing and optimizing websites.

3. Affiliate Marketing and Sales

Affiliate marketers can earn income by featuring links to a company's products or services on their website. Alternatively, an affiliate can simply set up a site and sell the products of another company. During this process, the person will act as an affiliate to the selected company. Both methods will earn an income for companies. This is a legitimate online business that requires little overhead or knowledge to complete.

4. AdSense

AdSense is another way business owners earn income by blogging. Bloggers set up websites with keyword-rich content. AdSense places relevant links on blogging website to generate traffic. Each time a person viewing the blogger's website clicks, the blogger will earn income in his or her AdSense account. If the blog generates a significant amount of traffic, the income earned will be substantial. This is an effortless way to earn income.

5. eBay or Amazon

Selling products on eBay or Amazon is an easy way to earn income. Many people purchase products wholesale to sell online via eBay or Amazon. An income is earned from the profit made on the product sold online. Common products, sold on eBay or Amazon, include electronics, beauty products and apparel. Many people also sell grocery-related items through eBay and Amazon. This income-generator is a convenience for people who must shop online.

Many eBay or Amazon sellers do not even carry inventory in their homes or a store front. This reduces the risk for business owners when they do not have to purchase insurance to protect against theft. Product is only purchased when customers request items. This allows small business owners to control their costs. The website and eBay or Amazon listing become the most important aspect of selling through these forums.

by: Lynn VanWychen

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