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How To Travel With Your Laptop

There comes a point in time where we have to travel for business and leisure, and we have to have our laptops for ongoing projects or just entertainment.

The moment we step out of the door, our laptop is in danger from everything. Thieves, accidents, even our own clumsiness "" all of those are potential hazards. So what do you do? You prepare yourself with every tool possible to make sure nothing happens.

Protecting your laptop is essential when traveling. If you bump your laptop while you"re on a trip, laptop parts can be hard to look for, especially in countries where the language barrier is big.

So here are some steps you can follow:
How To Travel With Your Laptop

Laptop Bag

You may have a laptop sleeve with you, but when traveling, a laptop bag is the best protection you can give to your laptop. They"re big, heavily padded and fully dedicated to just protecting your laptop. Best of all, you can put your other stuff in it, such as cables.

A laptop bags helps make your life easier because your electronics are in one place. You can put small padlocks on the zippers for added protection.

All in all, before you travel, you should have a laptop bag with you.

Back Up

Always assume that your stuff can get lost before you travel, so it"s wise to back up any important files you have on your laptop and leave them at home.

This is where the importance of having an external hard drive comes in. You can back up large amounts of files on an external hard drive, giving you peace of mind when something goes wrong.

Another thing to consider is having a USB drive with a big storage capacity. If you"re going to do work when you"re travelling, create a backup first on your USB before you head out.

Then, keep your USB right beside you, such as in the small pocket you have in your jeans. You don"t want your backup to be stolen along with your main gadgets.


Encryption is another thing that you have to take into account when travelling. With identity thieves and hackers running amok today, encrypting your data should be standard practice.

Most people don"t encrypt there files when their devices are stolen, and it can pose serious risk. Don"t let that happen to you!

Fortunately though, there"s no shortage of file encryption software on the Internet that you can get for free. One program you can use is TrueCrypt, which is easy to navigate. It"s also very hard to break through the encryption, easily discouraging thieves from breaking into your stuff if ever they manage to steal your laptop.

by: abie anarna

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