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subject: Information On Polyurethene Breast Implants [print this page]

Synthetic implants used in todays breast enlargement surgery include silicone elastomer shell. Saline breast implants include sterile saline solution and the silicone elastomer shell appears like strong, durable, elastic container for the saline solution. Silicone implants also include silicone elastomer shell but they are full of cohesive silicone gel. This is very strong and long lasting.

Polyurethane breast implants are similar to silicone implants only except that an outer layer coating of polyurethane foam is attached to the elastomer shell with a silicone sticky material. The polyurethane foam coating is about 1mm thick. They are available since 1970.

So what are the benefits of polyurethane breast implants?

Lot of cosmetic surgeons have discovered that women who have polyurethane breast implants go through lower risk of having firm breasts considerably. The main advantage is a notably lower risk of capsular contracture. It is one of the very common causes of repeated surgery being needed after breast enlargement. The human body, as portion of its immune system surrounds any foreign component in a coarse capsule. This appears commonly with breast implants. In many situations, the capsule will stay soft and invisible. But in some cases, the capsule compresses to the level it becomes hard. It may lead to discomfort and also pain. In some situations, the implant may required to be replaced with revision surgery.

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There is a 30% to 40% rates of capsular contracture in smooth coated breast implants. But, breast implants covered in polyurethane foam can lower the contracture rates to one to ten percent measured over a time of around ten years. Even if it is 10%, it is considerably lower compared to that of implants that are coated smooth. There is a textured surface on many silicone implants that are without polyurethane coatings. These also have considerable effect on lowering capsular contracture rates but their success rates in this have not been very powerful like polyurethane implants.

Polyurethane is a lengthy chain molecule that seems to be less risky to the human body. It doesnt dissolve in fluids of the body and there is no proof of it affecting biological cells. Over the time, body breaks down polyurethane molecules into a component called as TDA. There is no proof to recommend that TDA is dangerous to humans though researches and proofs are restricted.

by: Samuel

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