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subject: Opportunities Of Outsourcing In A Flat World [print this page]

The world embraced the tenets of free trade and liberalization long time ago. Initially there was lopsided distribution of skills amongst people. But gradually as standardized education was available to the global population, a new breed of human resource developed. The world has now gradually become a level playing field with an even spread of skilled professionals across the globe.

Outsourcing is the boon of this new egalitarian competitive world. The currency difference, which leads to a stark difference in price of service or products, has made outsourcing a preferred option. Also the abundance of human and geographical resources makes offshore call centers more viable.

Some of the most popular services which are outsourced are enlisted below:

1.Call Center Services

2.Web Development Services

3.Back Office Process

4.Technical Help Desk

5.Content Development Services

Out of the above mentioned, Call Center Services are the ones which are being outsourced on the biggest scale by the biggest multi-nationals.

While Call Center Outsourcing has become a buzzword, but not every layperson has a clear understanding of this industry. Public perception is that call centers work in night shifts, they hire young freshers straight out from college, and that it is a dead end job. However this is just partially true. Many operate in day shift, many of them hire middle-aged men and women who are adequately skilled in software and technical processes, and an employee can grow up to become a Quality Analyst, a Trainer and take on the management positions later. To dispel further ambiguity on their services, we expound further on the issue:

The two broad types of process in a Call Centers are namely Voice Process and Non Voice Process.

Voice Process can be further segregated into Inbound and Outbound.

An inbound one is essentially the one where the Agents have to only receive the phone. They do not have to dial outside from their phone.

The various services which come under the category of inbound are a Customer Service offshore call centers, a Phone Answering Service, an Order Taking service, Technical Help Desk etc.

As opposed to inbound, an outbound is the one where mainly the calls are dialed outside by Agents. The typical outbound services are of Telemarketing, Lead Generation, Debt collection etc.

And besides these voice operations, the non- voice services include email management, Online Chat support and even SMS Chat support.

Offshore call center services are chosen mainly because it delivers you superior quality for a fraction of the budget you would have otherwise spent.

The world is flat today, and opportunities are abundant if you prove your mettle.

by: Kimberly Brown

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