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subject: The Fabulous 40s! (your Guide To A Gorgeous You At 40+) [print this page]

Attitude, attitude, attitude!

Looking terrific comes most of all from feeling terrific. When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself how gorgeous you are, how sexy, youthful and desirable. Now keep that feeling with you all through the day. You will walk with a spring in your step, a smile on your lips, and that special look that comes from feeling fantastic! Do you know this actually works? I do it all the time, and people actually notice it and respond.

Don"t starve yourself!

Yes! Once you are over 40, give yourself permission to indulge in some of your favourite treats. (Indulge, not over-indulge.) Do you know that putting on a few pounds can actually make you look younger? Studies show that your face looks younger when you are a few pounds over your regular weight. Okay, I am not talking piling on the pounds, but stop the strict dieting, and enjoy your food. Loss of fat on the face causes sagging, and makes the face look gaunt and aged. Yikes!

Stop the crazy dieting!

Yo-yo dieting can make the skin stretch and become loose. So stop the faddy diets and the dangerous diet pills. Instead follow a good and sensible diet plan, and use good nutritional supplements. A good multivitamin, extra Vitamin C, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and a good calcium supplement all promote good health and glowing skin. It is also beneficial to use a good herbal product to help neutralise excess sugar in the body and reduce sugar cravings, naturally and safely increase the metabolic rate, and reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels. (AyurSlim)

Get that glowing skin!

We are very fortunate to be born at a time when it is so easy to have beautiful, soft, glowing skin at any age. With a little care, you can have better skin today than you did when you were in your 20s.

Use a good sunblock all the time. Anything over SPF 30 is good. Enjoy the sunshine whenever you can, but keep your skin well protected.

Everybody knows that skin must be thoroughly cleaned, toned and moisturised twice a day. But did you know that there are some great pharmaceutical grade skin products that bring out the best in your skin, and are yet friendly to your wallet? Forget the fancy hundred dollar creams. Instead shop online for pharmaceutical grade Glycolic Acid cream to deeply exfoliate your skin, thus reducing fine lines. Want to remove ugly skin pigmentation caused by pregnancy, HRT, aging, etc.? Instead of spending $80+ at your department store, buy pharmaceutical grade Hydroquinone, and watch it work its magic! A good Vitamin C + Kojic Acid cream will stimulate the synthesis of collagen, remove ugly blemishes, and help keep your skin soft, smooth and free of fine lines and wrinkles. How wonderful is that!

Acne prone skin? Tretinoin creams and gels will take care of the problem.

Science has almost miraculously found a way to grow thicker, longer lashes. Throw away the clumpy mascara, and head to your doctor for a prescription for Bimatoprost Opthalmic Solution! Amazing, isn"t it? Now you can have the gorgeous think lashes God intended you to have; and they will not wash away when you clean your face.

"""sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment."

William Penn

You can use every cream, every pill, every potion, every beautiful accessory, but nothing will work unless you get adequate sleep. Life has become so hectic and demanding, that we often use the hours we should be sleeping to do something else. Result? Tired, lifeless skin, dark circles under the eyes, and a haggard complexion. Plus lack of sleep even dulls the senses, and you are certainly not going to have that fresh look and sexy attitude when you cannot even keep your eyes open! So, go to bed at a reasonable hour, cuddle up under the blankets and get your zzzzs. Your body, face and mind will thank you for it.

Water works!

Drink tons of water. Not sodas, not coffee, not fancy drinks, but just lots and lots of plain water. It will hydrate your body, hydrate your skin, help eliminate toxins, and reduce fatigue. Did you know a glass of H2O could do all that and more? So, carry your little water bottle (Hey, you can choose a really cute one to match your outfit! Use it as a very chic accessory.), and use it!

Exercise your way to fitness, youth, and beauty!

Nothing says young and sexy like a well toned, healthy body. You do not need to exercise three hours a day at some fancy gym. Just keep your body in motion. Walk, climb stairs whenever possible, go for a swim, play tennis, or go for a hike with your friends; even a long romantic walk on the beach (sounds like a "personal" ad, doesn"t it?) will work wonders to tone your body. Vacuum the house, mow the lawn, clean out the garage, and you will have the double satisfaction of getting your muscles toned while finishing those yucky chores.

Be happy!

Keep yourself happy, content and calm. Stress is extremely aging, so find ways to de-stress; whatever works for you. Yoga, meditation, playtime with your puppy, reading to your child, watching a funny movie, reading your favourite thriller, are all great ways to de-stress and keep relaxed and happy.

Follow these guidelines, and the next time you are walking on the street, watch how favourably people react to your charm!

As John Mason Brown put it:

Charm is a glow within a woman that casts a most becoming light on others.

And W.B.Pitkin said it all: "Life begins at forty".

So it does!

by: Riya

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