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Chess Sets For Kids Of All Ages

There are kids all over the country who come home from school every day and spend hours sat in front of the TV, and that's it until it's time for bed, otherwise they play computer games alone in their room thus missing out on any family social interaction. Board games can be great ways to get a family to have fun together - as the old saying goes, a family that plays together stays together.

Chess is a game designed to be enjoyed by people from all walks of life and of all ages, parents should play against their kids, wives against husbands, friends against each other, and travellers challenge strangers. Kids in particular learn really quickly and can pick up rules and skills at the drop of a hat, so teaching them to play when they are young makes a lot of sense.

Board games like draughts, backgammon, and chess can develop a child's cognitive skills, sharpen their mental ability and improve motor skills. On top of all that there is the fact that it's great fun to play. If you want to help your kids improve their memory, and develop their problem-solving skills as well as encourage them to concentrate, then sit down with them a few times a week and spark an interest in playing.

Board games are entertaining and stimulating, they offer kids the chance to learn invaluable social skills and self-esteem, as a parent teaching them to play a game you are giving them valuable lessons that will help them through their childhood and adult life, giving them opportunities to meet new people and offering a fun way to relax and chill out.
Chess Sets For Kids Of All Ages

A challenging game, board games have been proven to develop mathematical and calculative abilities, greatly improve memory skills and teach social skills, they're also an effective way to show kids that in life we must all take turns, be a good loser and think decisions through. The child will also learn to be patient, plan ahead, understand consequences, and other necessary life skills that are required at school and socially. Buy them a fantasy set like the Lord of the Rings chess set to get them interested.

Start your child off by finding some interactive websites where they have the chance to practice and learn the rules at their own pace. There are online tutorials and instructions easy to understand, and levels are based on the very basic to advanced players.

The internet is perfect for learning to play games as there is a lot more privacy involved than learning in an environment where a child might feel pressured to perform or intimidated if they don't grasp the rules to begin with. Kids can practice with a robot chess program and take their own time to master the rules. Once they know the rules and are genuinely enjoying playing then make a big deal out of going together to search for unique chess sets and pieces so they can have their own set.

Chess is a game that can be played in any location, stay at home online and play over the internet using a software programme, or join a club and make new friends, invest in a handheld LCD travel chess computer at a small price or buy a set and get the whole family involved.

Travel game computers are great for kids as they're compact enough to be stored in a school bag or pocket and pulled out to play anywhere and anytime. They're also very affordable which makes them popular with parents, the funky designs mean the kids like them and they can have as many as 100 playing levels: they're a handy alternative to other computer games that aren't particularly educational. Buy luxury chess sets from online retailers with all the leading brands.

by: James Bennett

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