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subject: How Can I Effectively Manage My Auto Loan? [print this page]

How Can I Effectively Manage My Auto Loan?

Today, lets consider techniques you can employ to manage your bad credit auto loan in the most responsible way you can.

Draw up a debt repayment plan. As early as you can try to come up with a plan that can serve as your guide for repaying your car loan. In your plan, write down when your loan payments are due, how big or how small your loan payments will be, and how many months it would take you to completely pay off your financial obligation. And make sure that it is in line with your budget. Otherwise, you might be compromising some of your personal and household needs just so you can keep up with your monthly dues.

Dont pay just the minimum amount due. Keep in mind that making incomplete payments will not only cause your interest charges to balloon out. It can also lengthen the duration of your loan. So, make it a point to settle your financial obligations completely. To succeed in this matter, we suggest that you set aside enough funds to cover your loan payments as soon as you receive your monthly income. That way, you can be sure of making complete payments, each month.

Keep up with your due dates. After all, paying your credit obligations late as well as completely defaulting on your monthly payments will not only inflict severe damage on your credit history. It can also cost you a great deal of cash in the form of late payment penalties and surcharges.
How Can I Effectively Manage My Auto Loan?

This means that if you wish to keep your credit payments minimal, you should resolve to stick to your due dates. If you find it difficult to remember when your bad credit auto loan payments are due then you can simply set up alerts or reminders in your mobile gadgets. That way, you can easily remember your payment schedule. And, more importantly, you will have enough time to prepare the funds you need to make an early or on-time payment.

Ask for receipts. Dont forget to ask for receipts or proofs of payment every time you pay your monthly dues. This is because youll never know when youll use such records to validate transactions and dispute errors in your annual credit report. So make it a habit to keep all the documents that will be issued to you by your lender. And make sure that you store them in an accessible place so that you can easily retrieve them when a sudden need arises.

Dont apply for additional lines of credit, unless you have completely repaid your bad credit auto loan. After all, managing multiple lines of credit will not just increase your risk of incurring a huge debt you might eventually find very difficult to pay back. It can also cause your credit score to slide down and thus limit your chances of qualifying for affordable lines of credit, later on.

So be contented with what you have. And resolve to apply for new lines of credit only when theres an urgent need or emergency.

by: Alexandra Smith

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