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Traveling Tips That Work For Any Type Of Vacation

For an event that should be fun, relaxing and free of stress, often times, all of the planning and logistics ends up turning a dream vacation into one big headache. Follow the travel tips in this article to reduce the stress involved in vacationing so that you can return from your next trip, relaxed and rejuvenated.

When traveling internationally on a budget, consider taking flights rather than trains to your destinations. While trains are perhaps the more traditional mode of transportation for backpackers, many airlines offer discount flights that are much cheaper than train tickets. This way, you can travel to more places without adding to your budget.

You never know when you might need to do some on the fly fix ups or need to place things in specific spots in the hotel. Take some duct tape with you as it can serve many purposes in these regards. Do not take the whole roll. Instead wrap a pencil with 2-3 foot of tape.

To receive the best service when traveling, tip generously at the beginning of the trip. If the bellboy or steward knows that you tip well, they will be more likely to tend to your needs. Especially on cruises, you'll receive more personal attention and better service from the staff if you're seen as generous.
Traveling Tips That Work For Any Type Of Vacation

As you make your travel arrangements, negotiate with the front desk at the hotel you would like to stay at. Do not necessarily request a lower rate because managers do not often change the price of their rooms. Instead, try to arrange for other perks, including a free breakfast or an upgraded room. You can also ask if they have any other packages or special offers.

Ask a friend or family member to drive you to the airport. You can save on cab fare and long term parking fees. Many people will be happy to perform this favor for you, especially if you are willing to reciprocate later on down the road, when they are taking a vacation.

Avoid getting an illness while you are traveling. Do not touch your eyes, mouth or nose and be sure to bring along some hand sanitizer. Use it after you wash your hands in the lavatory. Stay hydrated by drinking bottled water. Avoid ice from the airline as it is teeming with bacteria.

Trust locals over the concierge. Unfortunately, many hotels and their concierge services have agreements with certain businesses to steer guests to them, regardless of whether or not it is in your best interest. Instead, scope out a place that looks like your style and ask other customers for additional recommendations.

Traveling doesn't have to be a complicated thing if you know how to approach it. Take your time to read informative articles like these and your next trip can be planned without the usual hassle. If you're willing to invest the time and focus on your travel plans, you can do the dirty work up front and enjoy a worry-free vacation.

by: John Kline

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