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subject: Celebrate Halloween This Season With A Perfect Halloween Party [print this page]

Celebrate Halloween This Season With A Perfect Halloween Party

Halloween is a fun holiday that lots of people start planning weeks and months in advance to make their Halloween party memorable. So, how to hold a perfect Halloween party this season? Here are some party-planning tips for a terrifying good time.

1.Send out invitations in advance

Send out your party invitations one or two weeks before the party. Youd better clearly state instructions about themes, costumes, and when the party begins and ends to avoid confusion

2.Get help in decorating
Celebrate Halloween This Season With A Perfect Halloween Party

Allow some guests to arrive early and help with the Halloween decorations. This will ease your workload and add some creative minds

3.Supply food and candy

Prepare plenty of goodies. Try dressing up your food to look like gross things such as eyeballs, body parts, etc. Make the punch look like blood. Here are 10 devilishly delicious party food recipes and ideas.

4.Prepare some Halloween party games

Certain games such as pumpkin bowling, witch hunt game, trick or treat game, and candy corn catch can help make a Halloween party interesting and funny. Here you can find more games that are suitable for a Halloween party.

5.Have adult supervision

Adult supervision is necessary for safety reasons as well as preventing any property damage. Adults can help with the party, while the guests have fun.

6.Have a camera handy

Take pictures and arrange them in a photo album to show your guests after the party. It's hilarious to watch how the costumes evolve over the years. Also, you can shot some video clips for the excellent moment of your party to send to the guests.

If you happen to have PowerPoint installed on your computer, you can use it easily to make a video or DVD for the photos and videos you take together. And then send the video or DVD you made with PowerPoint to guests who attended the Halloween party as a gift.

Here is how PowerPoint will help you create an excellent video/DVD for your Halloween party:

1.All the photos and video clips taken at the Halloween party can be displayed in PowerPoint in sequence

2.PowerPoint allows you to insert comments to the photos and videos inserted.

3.You can make your Halloween party show more pleasant with a suitable background music

4.More than 50 animations for you to make your Halloween party show more vivid

5.You can use your imagination to make the Halloween party show funny with other objects inserted, such as clipart, and JIF humor.

After you finish creating the Halloween PowerPoint show, the next step is to convert the Halloween PowerPoint slideshow to video or burn the presentation onto DVD disc.

Make the most of October and have a great time. Start some Halloween traditions with friends and family.

by: Adward Chan

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