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subject: How To Learn The Basics Of Yoga In Dubai [print this page]

Yoga first appeared more than 3,000 years ago in what is now known as India. The word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit word "yuj" which means "to bind, join, attach, and you." "Yuj" also means "union, control and attention to use and apply." In other words, yoga is about focusing on your mind and body united to God. This is a discipline you to balance the mind, soul and emotions, so you can connect with your individual spirit ("jivatma his"), which is partly reverse the Supreme Spirit comprehensive.

Yoga is about focusing your energy into constructive channels. And the name of the individual involved in teaching yoga is known as "Yogi". There are actually several different types of yoga:

1.Karma yoga focuses on giving of oneself without expecting any reward.

2.Jnana yoga is a philosophical approach to unveiling the illusions of the world.

3.Bhakti yoga focuses on channeling emotional energy into one's spiritual practice.

Rhaja yoga focuses on strength and mind control. It is within that found Rhaja yoga Hatha yoga, the physical practice, most exercise as a form of exercise. As there are many styles of dance, so there are many types of Hatha yoga. Current popular styles include (but not exclusively).

Gentle Yoga, sometimes also known as synonymous with "Hatha Yoga". This use of "Hatha" is debatable. Some believe that the term is used to refer only to the general idea of all physical yoga, while others use it colloquially to refer to a softer style. In gentle yoga, focuses on long stretches and flexibility, with slow, deep breathing (yogic breathing is known as "Pranayama"). This can be very relaxing for the mind. It's kind of soft style most people imagine when they think of yoga.

Kundalini Yoga works on the premise that the body has eight "chakras". By using the "spirit of fire" (rapid breathing), you can heat the body from the ground up, eventually "raising Kundalini" to achieve a sense of lighting.

Power yoga is also known by the Sanskrit term Vinyasa yoga (a "vinyasa" is a series of rapid movement to warm the body everywhere). This is a very active form of yoga in which one moves rapidly through positions (called "asanas"), it's maintained while in other styles. It's almost guaranteed that you sweat a lot in this, not for the faint of heart and gives a challenge for muscle.

Yoga requires only 30 minutes a day, a yoga mat or blanket and a small exercise room.You might be surprised to learn that your body can do what they did not think possible. Take a wide range of yoga poses that can help a person to achieve a high level of self-awareness, balance and strength. Seven main types of movements that the body can make through Yoga exercise are flexion, extension, hyper extension, abduction, adduction, rotation and circumduction. You can do a combination of these movements have a strong body, flexibility and balance.

Yoga is a great way to relax. It can facilitate the building of tension in the muscles and joints without experiencing fatigue and exhaustion. Yoga also believed to make professional looking younger. Basic yoga moves involved in modeling and exercises will provide inner peace and radiant health.

by: Alice Woodlands

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