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Wet Grass And Mulching Don't Mix

Mowing the lawn in the rain is not an enjoyable or comfortable chore, regardless of whether it is raining a lot or a little. Mowing in the rain is not the best course of action to take for your lawn either. There are some heavy duty motors that come equip with balloon tires and extremely sharp blades that can cut easily and efficiently, however the majority of lawn mowers for home use do not fall into this category.

If you decide that you are going to mow your lawn while it is raining, besides your neighbors thinking you are nuts, you are likely to end up with an unevenly cut lawn that will not look so good once it dries up. That is the good part. The worst that could happen is that the lawn becomes full of ruts and patches of dead grass that may take some time to repair. It is also the case that some types of fungal diseases in the grass can be spread much easier when a wet lawn is mowed.

There are a variety of reasons why mowing your lawn on wet days can spell bad news for your lawn.

Wet Grass has Bad Posture
Wet Grass And Mulching Don't Mix

First of all, grass can be temperamental. When grass is dry it stands up straight making it easier to cut. On the other hand, when it is wet it bends and slouches. This means that when you mow over it, some blades of grass get cut while others do not. Once the lawn dries up, you will then be able to easily see which patches of grass the mower cut and which it did not. You will then have to get out the mower again and fix up the flaws in mowing. Why make more work for yourself?

Wet Grass Slows Blades

Wet grass can cause its own share of problems. The wet pieces can attach themselves to the blades rendering them less effective. The more grass that sticks, the worse it will be. If enough grass sticks to the undercarriage of the mower this will slow the action of the blades which will make them work that much worse.

Wet Grass and Mulching Don't Mix

A great majority of mowers on the market are made with mulching blades that are designed to create a suction action. How it works is then when the lawn mower cuts grass it is quickly and easily sucked up into the machine and cut up into fine small pieces. This happens when the grass is dry.

However when the grass is wet it is a different story all together. Wet grass forms clumps and does not mulch as it is suppose to. Instead of being drawn up into the machine, the wet clumps of grass remain on the lawn. If the clumps of grass that are left there after you mow are bigger in size than the diameter of a tennis ball and are simply left unattended on the lawn, then they can weigh the grass down and begin to start killing the grass they lie on. This can start to take place in a relatively short span of time (such as a few days) and cause dead patches of grass throughout your lawn.

by: Kurt Naulaerts

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