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Top 5 Driving Pet Peeves

Every driver has their own list of driving pet peeves that get on their nerves when they drive. And, there is definitely a long list of annoying driving habits to choose from. From not paying enough attention to completely disregarding the rules of the road, there is no shortage of driving errors that interrupt the normal flow of traffic.

While we could probably easily develop a list of 100 or more driving pet peeves, the following are 5 of the most annoying and potentially dangerous that is done by drivers all the time:

1. Distracted drivers when the light turns green: While distracted drivers in general pose a serious threat to other drivers on the road, distracted drivers that fail to start driving when the light turns green at an intersection makes many peoples blood boil. From playing their radio, to checking their phone, talking to passengers, or those who are daydreaming, no one likes to get stuck behind these drivers, especially if you are near the end of the line of cars and may not get through the light because of them.

2. Drivers who do not signal: Signalling is not only part of good driver etiquette, it is the law. Each and every time that you change direction, you are required to properly signal to tell other drivers your intentions. Failure to do so is not only annoying; it can catch other drivers by surprise and can lead to sudden stops or even an accident.
Top 5 Driving Pet Peeves

3. People who drive slowly in the passing lane: We all know the passing lane is meant for drivers to overtake slow traffic. However, every now and then there are some drivers who clog the passing lane for some reason or another and fail to move over to let faster traffic through. This often leads to a huge back log of traffic, which also leads to a large number of frustrated and unimpressed drivers.

4. Double Parking: There is nothing worse and more frustrating than driving to a busy parking lot and spending some time looking for a parking spot only to find one, but you cant park there because someone has decided to double park and block off two parking spaces. And, this always seems to happen at the most inopportune times like when you are in a rush.

5. Unsure drivers: We have all been in the situation where we are behind a driver that is either unsure about where they are going or what to do. There is nothing more frustrating than drivers who slow down, speed up, and slow down again because they are not sure where to turn. In the same sense, it is just as frustrating when drivers veer half way into lanes only to change their mind.

These are only a few of the many driving pet peeves that drivers see on the road all the time. While they can be frustrating, drivers need to take a deep breath, relax, and realize that they just have to remain calm and move on.

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by: Insurance Hunter

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