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subject: How To Make Money Online By Doing Paid Surveys [print this page]

There are quite a few individuals who have tried to make money doing online surveys with very disappointing results. The sad fact is that there are many opportunities for people to get scammed and a number of these can be quite difficult to recognize before it is too late. These are usually packaged as highly lucrative offers that the average web user simply cannot refuse.

For instance, many people stumble across random offers for free electronics, gift cards and other prizes that they can receive if they simply answer a few questions. Unfortunately, the list of questions can be never ending and some questionnaires of this type even require people to sign up for services that they do not want or to agree to buy products that they do not need. In the end, nothing is gained by the survey taker and the hosting company has all of the consumer's personal details at its disposal.

There are also many survey sites that people can sign up on to gain access to other opportunities. These host a variety of surveys that people can take if they fit into the targeted consumer demographics that the questions represent. These can be very low-paying opportunities and some do not even offer compensation in cash at all. Instead, participating parties are relegated to accepting small discounts on ordinary products in exchange for their valuable consumer opinions.

One very effective way to get in on some of the most profitable questionnaires is by signing up with a survey screening site. These are businesses that screen the different survey taking opportunities on your behalf. They will then refer you to organizations that can make real use of your opinions as a consumer as well as the details that you are willing to share about your buying and spending habits.

In order to thrive in their industries, companies must know what their market is doing. Thus, getting answers to their questions about what consumers want and what they are willing to do in order to get it at the right price, is very valuable to these businesses. This means that you do have a chance to get paid simply for answering questions about yourself and your shopping habits.

Another way to make money doing online surveys is by joining some of the forums that are run by people who work from their homes. These are the best places to take part in conversations about which web-based activities are producing profits and which are not. You may be able to find some very valuable survey opportunities simply by participating in several relevant online discussions of this type.

by: Mark Easton

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