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The Benefits Of Choosing An Online Accelerated Degree Program

If youre a working adult who has been held back or passed over for career opportunities because you dont have the credential of a degree, you may be unable to leave your job to attend school full-time. Family or other obligations may make it impossible even to attend part-time. Many colleges and universities now have accelerated associates degree and accelerated bachelors degree programs. Choosing such a program can allow you to gain the knowledge and credentials you need on a schedule flexible enough to meet your needs and obligations, and in less time than a traditional program would take. Additionally, some employers will reimburse you for tuition expenses related to your job responsibilities.

What to Look for in a Degree Program

Several considerations should guide you in your choice of an online degree program. You will want to be certain the program you choose is accredited. This will be important both for employers and for acceptance of your credits and degree if you decide to pursue an advanced degree in the future. Financial aid eligibility and future professional certification may also be dependent on accreditation. The Higher Learning Commission and several regional accrediting organizations certify the quality of post-secondary educational programs.

If you are already experienced in and working in the field in which you want to obtain a degree, look for a college offering credit by evaluation in their accelerated associates degree and accelerated bachelors degree programs. This may allow you to receive credit for college-level learning outside the classroom you are able to demonstrate, saving you both time and money. You may also be able to submit exam results from tests such as the College-Level Entrance Examination Program to satisfy degree requirements. Most colleges will have a residency requirement, a minimum number of credits obtained through that school.

Tips for Successful Online Learning

Budgeting time is difficult for most working adults. Adding the responsibility of coursework will require planning. You should expect to spend approximately three hours per week engaged in study for each credit hour. Allow time for technical problems such as a computer crash or challenges such as unexpected overtime at work or a sick child at home. As with projects at work, its best to note all important deadlines and dates before the course begins. Identify any technical or course navigation problems ahead of time to resolve them with your instructor or with technical support before the class is underway. You may also want to bookmark research sites for the course, to streamline your studies.

Take advantage of or build community. While the flexibility of online learning may be exactly what you need, it can be difficult to stay motivated, and you may feel isolated at times. Many programs have online hangouts and discussions. Students may also form online groups to support each other and discuss common problems. Communication with your instructor is also important. Build an online profile, if the program website gives you that opportunity, to let your instructor and other students in the course get to know more about you. Exchanging contact information with other students also helps to build your career network.

For busy working adults with experience and responsibilities, accelerated associates degrees and accelerated bachelors degree programs online can also be a career accelerator. By increasing your educational credentials, you can position yourself for both career advancement and potential salary increases.

by: William Hauselberg

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