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Step 2 I N Creating Massive Success In Your Business

Okay, yesterday in our steps to massive success series, we talked about writing articles. I hope that you got started and put yourself on the right path.

Now in step 2 lets talk about what to do with your article once you have written it.

Step 2 is Article Submission.

Having said that there a many article directories and submission site available. Again, I suggest that you go on line and search the keyword article submission sites or article directories.

Do your research and find out which ones are compatible to you.

Some cost money and some are little or no cost. Obviously, if you are on a tight budget then you want to direct your attention towards the free submission sites.

But, let me say one thing about choosing your article submission site. Think of this as a business and in a business you should invest something towards making that business grow.

They say you get what you pay for and that is typically true. And those which you pay for tend to offer more advantages.

You are writing articles to get targeted traffic more than anything else. So when you pay for an automated service the chances are more likely that your article will be picked up be the top article directories.

But if at this moment giving out a little invest is a no go then find the free sites and submit your articles. That is far better than doing nothing.

Something else to consider is, that this is a numbers game. In other words, dont stop at just one submission or article directory site. No way! Submit to as many places that will let you. You are trying to build momentum. So put the numbers in your favor.

Now depending on what you are trying to submit there may be some sites that do not accept your article. I know of at least one that does not accept articles on internet marketing.

You know what I say to that? So what! There are literally thousands of places to go that will. I consider it their lost. Because the internet is just too large of an industry to turn down anything to do with the internet. Marketing is just one aspect of the whole thing.

One of my personal mentors refers to article writing as planting seeds. And that is exactly what you are doing with article writing. You see anyone who takes the time to read your article and click on your link, is the most valuable asset you could obtain. A "targeted prospect or customer". And they are looking to you as the expert who is going to solve their problem.

So get ou there and find a few article directories and submission sites. Sign up to the ones you like. Be sure to read and adhere to all the rules that they have and start submitting your articles.

One other thing before I go. You want to be consistent. Decide that you are going to write one or two article a week and stick with it. Be sure to supply the best content you have to offer and before you know it, you will be picking up traffic like youve never seen before.

Stay tuned for step 3

by: Joseph Lawson

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