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The Secret To Gaining Traffic For Free

Marketing your online business and bringing traffic to your website doesn't have to cost you a penny if you know how to do it correctly. The search engines can bring you the best type of traffic to your website for free. Here's what you have to do.

The first thing you need to do is set up your website with keywords that will bring your website traffic with the smallest amount of effort possible. This method of optimizing your website to gain traffic from the search engines is called SEO or search engine optimization.

The most important factor in determining the long term success of your website is SEO. If you set this up properly, you can expect to receive free traffic without putting in too much effort in the long run. The most amount of work will come right away in efforts to get your site to the first page, after that it is a breeze keeping it there.

When doing the research for your keywords, you'll want to find some that will land your website enough traffic to make you sales but at the same time have few enough competitors where you can rank on page one fairly quickly. There is no written function or science to figuring this out. In order to get a good feel about which keywords will work, you are going to have to just experiment and do some trial and error. There are plenty of keyword tools, some cost money and some are free, that will make your research much, much, easier. To me these tools are an invaluable part of my research and would recommend them to anyone.

Once you choose your keywords, then you have to optimize your website placing those keywords throughout the content of your site. It's best to put the keywords in your domain name, header, meta tags, alt image tags, and about 1 - 3% of your sites content.

Once you have your site optimized with your keywords, then you need to pick up back links to your website using the keywords as an anchor link. By writing articles and submitting them to the highest page rank directories, i.e. EzineArticles and GoArticles, this will help in moving your website up the search engines all the way to page one. The more back links you have, the higher your website is going to rank.

This is just a small taste of what it takes to get your website free traffic from the search engines. The search engines use some complicated algorithm to place websites in their rankings. We know that this process works, and really that is all that matters.

by: Matt Helphrey

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