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subject: Seo Techniques That Will Improve Your Search Engine Rankings [print this page]

Seo Techniques That Will Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

The main objective for any one web page is to rank well in the search engines on the subject matter that any particular page was written for. Failure to reach this objective dooms this particular page to search engine oblivion.

Using Keywords To Your Advantage:

The most important and best way to use keywords properly for search engine optimization is to take a list of long tail keywords on the very same niche and make sure and intertwine these into your article making this particular article very SEO friendly.

Reciprocal Linking:

One of the most powerful ways to skyrocket your web page up to the top of the search engines is to practice reciprocal linking.

Always make sure to tell web masters that you are trading links with, that you want your link to be a hyper link with a specific key word that you give them before hand, this is crucial to help get this page ranked highly for this particular keyword.

Content Swaps

Placing your content on other people's web sites is probably the most powerful form of linking you can do. The process is not that hard. First you find a website in a topic related to yours. Next you contact the site owner and offer them an article of yours that you think would be of interest to their readers. Of course, the article has your links in it.

It may take a few emails or phone calls but your content swap will be accepted. Content swaps let you control the SEO, title, links, and keywords on someone else's site. You'd be surprised but with a little work you can find popular blogs and websites always in need of fresh articles and posts and willing to let you meet your SEO needs.

The Proper Use Of Title Tags:

Using a title tag properly throughout your web page is another proven and powerful way to help you rank better for the given niche or keyword you're targeting. Always make sure and use a separate title tag for each and every web page.

A Bonus, Often Overlooked Technique:

Always try to keep your web pages short, concise, and to the point. This not only looks better in the eyes of the search engines, it also helps keep your visitors on your web site because they are not facing the daunting task of reading a web page that scrolls on and on.


Following these short and simple tactics, will set you light years ahead of your competition and give you an unfair advantage in ranking higher in the search engines on virtually any niche you use these techniques on.

by: David Tropeano

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