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Actually Make Money W/ Evolv

Are you ready for this Evolv Review?

I already know exactly what's on your mind. The same question that is on every single person's mind. So let me just take a quick second and clear some things up.

Is Evolv Inc. a scam?

No. Evolv Inc. is nothing close to being a scam, and in all honesty most network marketing companies aren't.

That doesn't mean that you aren't going to be able to find this thing on You could probably find a negative review of Sister Theresa on

You have this dude that thinks he knows everything there is to know about online marketing even though he just started three weeks ago. He was in a baby commercial once, so automatically he knows the ins and outs of the marketing world. Then he finds some "good" opportunity to join, but before you know it he's fed up with not making any money because he has not done a darn thing. He doesn't take the time to learn how to market the opportunity, and he does not know the first thing about running his own business, yet he is going to make money through internet "marketing" his own business.

This guy sounds completely insane I know, but the crazy part about the whole thing is this dude actually believes this crap. Then when he doesn't make a dime, "Stupid company. I knew it was a fraud", and opens up for the negative review.

That's why exists, but enough of that.

If you do the work you will make money with Evolv Inc. It's really that simple.

I could sit here all day and list out the pro's and con's of this company. Honestly I could. I have read enough reviews about Evolv to rattle off information for days.

But come on. Is that really what you want to hear?

Another poor excuse for a review of a good company?

When in reality the opportunity is somewhat irrelevant because they are all pretty much the same and just because you tell someone that it is the "next big thing" does not mean that they will join you.

People join people not opportunities.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's talk about how you are going to make some money with Evolv Inc. within the next couple of months.

The best way to market anything is through article marketing period. Nothing else even comes close to article marketing. If you want to get some serious traffic that never goes away, learn how to produce some serious content.

But since I go into that in such great detail in my 7 Day Marketing Challenge, I am going to talk about another little strategy, which if done right can quickly start to generate you up to 50 leads per day..

Drum roll please.

Facebook marketing. Don't worry it's not what you're thinking.

I'm not talking about joining every network marketing group and shouting out your opportunity to everyone and their step brother. That just does not work. It might have worked at first, before people had gotten use to these ads every where. Now most people don't even notice the advertisements popping up all over the place. And the people that do notice, get down right mad about it.

Here's the process you need to go through to do FaceBook marketing for Evolv Inc. effectively.

Step 1: Start adding friends.

Go out and look for all of the network marketing groups that look most valuable. Then you join those groups, and start adding thirty friends from them every day. No more, and no less. If you add more, the Facebook 'po pos' could be on your heels. If you add less, well find a new strategy because it's not going to work out too well for you.

Step 2: Join groups

Now most people think that they need to join as many groups as possible, when in reality you don't. Just join the few groups that really stand out to you. After you join these groups DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT; even mention your opportunity to one single person. Lead with value. If you can just find one small thing to teach everyone that you know, you are literally gold to them. If you have nothing to teach so far..

I'll get to that in just a moment.

No one likes a person that takes up space with their opportunity. You are out there looking for real relationships, not a friendship with some two-bit spammer. Also, remember that people are naturally attracted to people just like them. Its human nature and you really cannot change it. If you spam the internet, you will make spammy friends.

Step 3: Start your very own group.

It should have NOTHING to do with your biz. opp. Start a group and call it Network Marketing marketing strategies (probably already taken). Then all you have to do is just simply teach everybody that joins your group one thing about how to promote their online business. If you can teach someone a rock solid guaranteed way to promote their business, you are a hero. That is the one reason why people fail in this business. They just simple do not know how to promote a company using the internet.

Now that you have already joined other groups, you need to go to those other groups and ask people in them to join yours. In all honesty, make sure you have some friends to back you up before you move straight to this step. But the choice in the end is up to you. Tell other group leaders that you will refer people to their group, if they refer people to your group. It is a win win situation for both of you, and most importantly it works.

Step 4: Vid Time

Make a welcome video. You could just go to your new friend's accounts and say hello. Or you could make a welcome video, and tag them in it creating you to be a person of trust right out of the gate.

The number one reason why a person will not buy your product is because they cannot trust you. Build trust, and build sales. Step 5: Broadcasting

Now all you have to do is send out a broadcast message to your group members. Remember all you are doing is providing as much information and value as possible. You HAVE to give without want before you can get.

Before you move on to all of this other stuff, you HAVE to get an online presence.

But that's not where the problem lies. The real problem lies with where exactly you are going to send people after you do have an online presence.

You cannot, I repeat you CANNOT send them to a corporate lead capture page and expect everything to be okay. You can't build someone else's list and expect to make it in this industry. Not today anyway.

You HAVE to have your own lead capture page branding you, but you know what I think that I have talked long enough.

I think that this was a pretty good Evolv Review. Don't you?

To Your Dreams Becoming Reality,

by: Landon Stewartt

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