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subject: Can We Really Make Money Online? [print this page]

Can We Really Make Money Online?

You have been on the internet and you have seen all these "GET RICH QUICK" pages and I am sure you have clicked on at least one of them,... haven't you? What did you think? How did you react? Did you submit your first name and email address? Did you spend a couple of bucks and in the back of your mind hoped that this was the answer to working for yourself?

Don't feel bad or ashamed or anything else. We have all done it! Whoever says they haven't are most likely fibbing to you. You know that is the reason why you are reading this right now in all likelihood. There is a link below that will take you to a website full of those ads. It promises you a sure-fire way to make money on the internet. So here is where you think, "Why should I click on this one?". Very good question! I would say so I can make some money on the internet! But the real question is, "DO YOU STILL WANT TO MAKE MONEY ON LINE AT HOME?" (And you know the answer is still YES!) Am I not correct?

Well, here is the good news. You don't have to pay to click on it and go look. There is always the possibility that one of these sites may be the one offer that you think you want to do. You may find your "niche" as they like to say so often. It may just be time for you to get off your duff and have at it. That is totally up to you. So here I am, giving you that "one more chance" to have another look. One of these may be the one, or not. The timing may be perfect, or completely off. But that is your decision to make, no one else's.

Just remember as you proceed forward in your quest. I don't care which opportunity you end up choosing, if you actually do choose one. Whatever you end up doing, it will require WORK on your part. There are no "free lunches" out here. How many times have you heard that one? Well, sadly it is true. If you want, shoot me a message and I would love to tell you the trials and tribulations I have had to this point in my life. I am over 60, retired, been happily married for a very long time, have some great kids, and love life. In all that time, my wife and I have started a few normal businesses and now we are doing the same on the internet. It's intriguing, challenging, complicated, but so much easier than the typical "brick and mortar" business start up I hear so much about in here.

My only advice. Pick something that you think you can do. Pick something that has the potential to make money. Put your heart and soul into it and I promise you it will pay off. All businesses do, but it may take a little time.

Can We Really Make Money Online?

By: John Balthazar

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