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subject: Common Causes Of Motorcycle Accidents [print this page]

Common Causes Of Motorcycle Accidents

Riding a motorcycle can be fun and exciting, but can also be dangerous and result in serious accidents. Potential dangers to motorcyclists are everywhere, in the form of other vehicles, light posts, bad roads, or road distractions. Motorcycle accidents are often more severe than vehicular accidents, because there is no structure protecting the rider and only a helmet shields protects his or her head. There are many common causes of motorcycle accidents.

Motorcycles are somewhat unstable because they only have two wheels to support them, and poor maintenance can be a recipe for disaster. Misaligned tires or malfunctioning brakes can lead to serious accidents and injuries, so it is important to keep the motorcycle properly maintained.

Tires wear out over time and must be replaced. If not, fatal accidents can occur, especially when riding on snowy or wet roads. Inspect your tires regularly, and replace them whenever they appear worn or have lost their tread.

Motorcycle accidents also occur when roads are in poor condition. Potholes can damage cars and other vehicles, but are especially treacherous to motorcycles. If a motorcycle hits a pothole the rider may be thrown from the motorcycle onto the road. Governments have a responsibility to repair roads, but there are times when roads and potholes go unnoticed for years, so a rider should always be careful and alert.

Debris and other obstacles on the road can cause flat tires or blowouts, which can lead to fatal motorcycle accidents. Hazards such as oil spills can cause a motorcycle to skid and crash into other objects or other vehicles.

Snow, sleet and ice can be very hazardous to all vehicles on the road, especially motorcycles. Slippery roads can make a rider lose control. If you must ride your motorcycle in the snow, be sure to drive slowly and carefully.

Obviously, it is illegal to drive while under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Sleep deprivation can also contribute to motorcycle accidents, so make sure you are well rested before attempting to ride.

Brian Caubarreaux & Associates is a Marksville. Louisiana, law firm offering legal services to personal injury victims in Marksville, Alexandria, Avoyelles Parish, and throughout Louisiana. If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in any type of accident due to the recklessness, or negligence, consult one of our Marksville personal injury lawyers now at (318) 253-0900 for a free, no-obligation consultation, or visit our website at

by: Roland H. Ormond

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