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How Kids Can Create Cartoon Animations With Stop Motion

Creating a stop motion animation is a way to enhance and showcase the artistic side of the child. And there are no limitations when it comes to age, certain age groups can always have a part on the videos production.

So, how can you start involving your kids on animation using stop motion? The following short guidelines should be of help.

- Choose and install a simple yet functional stop motion software. Since you will be working with your kids in building a stop motion animation, it is a must to choose the most appropriate software. It must be user or child-friendly but should also be functional and packed with all the features needed to deliver the best results. Of course, the decision in choosing and buying the software will entirely be dependent on the parent or the teacher. And one example of the highly noted animation software is the iKITMovie. The software is especially designed for creating stop motion animation that can be used for almost any purpose particularly on education.

- Planning the video plot or story. The first part of creating the animation will have to be the conceptualization of the story or plot. It is during this stage that you can harness the imagination and conceptualization skills of your child. And the best way to arrive at the best movie story is to brainstorm. For this purpose, you might want to consider whether the video is intended for learning or simply for pleasure and fun.
How Kids Can Create Cartoon Animations With Stop Motion

- Gathering the tools and resources needed for the clip. Stop motion animation is very simple and will also require simple tools and resources to prepare. If you are using iKITMovie, the only things youll require include; the stop motion software, your camera, your computer, and the materials or items that would serve as your movie characters. Your stop motion characters can be the usual items you can find at home. Figure-shaped clays and built Lego bricks are among the most common materials used. The good thing about the clay dough children plays is that they are safe and could come in a variety of colors, perfect when making multi-colored animation characters.

- Taking pictures and processing them with the animation software. After preparing the tools and materials your clip will need. The rest of the animation-making process can be very plain and simple. You just need to capture an individual still photo for every motion or change in the position of your movie characters. After compiling all the images you need, they can finally be processed using the iKITMovie software. Part of the computer processing will be the insertion of sound effects. You can either choose to use a sound from the softwares sound effects database, or perhaps, upload or record your own using the computer headset or built-in microphone.

- The need for supervision. Although your child is using an easy animation software, constant supervision is still required especially for the very young ones. This is because they are still using complicated, technical, and electrical devices like cameras and the computer which can be accidentally damaged or pose risks to their safety.

by: Adam Reilly

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